undefined undefined Comment
February 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 2001, 1


Brother Manoï’s Passing

We enjoyed very much the article in the August 1999 issue by R. Val Johnson and the pictures of Church members in New Caledonia. We served the first year of our mission in New Caledonia before being transferred to Fiji. We were saddened recently by news that Brother Teahumanu Manoï, one of the leaders featured in the article, passed away. We send our condolences to Brother Manoï’s family and friends and to the missionaries who have served in New Caledonia.

Elder Jerald and Sister Janet Hansen Finlinson,
Fiji Suva Mission

Sharing Time Articles Help Little Investigators

I’d like to express my deepest gratitude for the articles that are printed every month in the Liahona (Spanish), especially the Sharing Time articles. They have helped me enormously with our little investigators. These children show the greatest interest when we share the various topics, pictures, and games with them.

I have been a Primary president for four years, and it has been wonderful to know I can count on this special and important magazine. It helps us in our callings, in our classes, and in everything that is important in the Church.

Selene Villalobos de Quiñones,
Fajardo Branch, Fajardo Puerto Rico District

“The Good List”

I am very grateful for the article “The Good List” in the March 1999 Liahona (Portuguese). I really learned to value my talents, which I have hidden for many years because of fear or embarrassment.

I never thought to find anything so interesting and remarkable in the Church magazine. Thank you. This message is what I was really missing.

The magazine is a marvelous blessing to me and to other youth. I am sure its gospel messages are a foundation for my future mission.

Anderson Bispo Dos Santos,
São Caetano Ward, Salvador Brazil North Stake

Learn through Others’ Experiences

I am 17, and I’ve been a member of the Church for six years. I just love to read the Liahona (Spanish) because it’s one way to learn through the experiences of other people. Whenever I read the magazine, I realize it really is a compass that shows us the path to follow.

Ronald Luis Hinostroza Fortuna,
Bolívar Ward, Lima Perú San Luis Stake