“Sharing Time: The Prophet Speaks for Heavenly Father,” Liahona, Feb. 2001, 11
Sharing Time:
The Prophet Speaks for Heavenly Father
“For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith” (D&C 21:5).
Imagine that your mom asks you to tell your brothers and sisters to come to dinner. You are to speak for your mom, delivering a message for her to your family. Will they listen?
Father in Heaven has chosen certain men to speak for Him. These men are called prophets. They teach us what He wants us to know. Will we listen?
The scriptures tell us about prophets Father in Heaven called to speak for Him. Noah warned the people to repent or a terrible flood would cover the earth. Noah’s family listened, and they were saved from the flood (see Gen. 6–8; 2 Pet. 2:5).
Lehi was shown that Jesus Christ would be the Savior of the world. Lehi’s son Nephi prayed to know if his father’s words were true. The Lord visited Nephi, and Nephi believed all his father’s words. Later, Nephi, like his father, spoke for the Lord (see 1 Ne. 1:18–19; 1 Ne. 2:16–18).
Joseph Smith went into the woods to pray. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared and gave him instructions that opened the way for the Restoration of the gospel (see JS—H 1:11–20).
We have a living prophet today, Gordon B. Hinckley. He is the President of the Church. He was chosen by God and called through proper priesthood authority. President Hinckley testifies that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. All the prophets testify of Jesus Christ and teach us what He wants us to do (see Jacob 7:11; D&C 21:1, 4–5).
When we pray to Heavenly Father we can know that the prophet’s words are true. When we hear the prophet, we will know that he speaks to us for the Savior. And, yes, we will listen.
Remove page 10 from the magazine, and mount it on cardboard. Cut out the mobile pieces.
Draw or glue a picture of yourself in the empty square, and write your name under it.
Fold along the dotted lines (see illustration). Read the scripture under each prophet’s picture.
Punch holes where indicated, and thread a piece of string through the holes as shown in the illustration. Tie a knot on the bottom end of the string, and make a loop at the top.
Hang up your mobile to remind you of what the Savior tells the prophets to tell you.
I will follow the prophet
Seek Peace
Obey My Parents
Pay Tithing
Ask of God
Keep the Commandments
Love One Another
Forgive One Another
Serve Others
Keep the Sabbath Holy
Serve the Lord
Sharing Time Ideas
Give each teacher the name of a prophet and scripture references that tell about what he did or said. Examples: Noah (Gen. 6:11–14; Gen. 7:5, 7–10); Moses (Ex. 14:8–9, 13–14, 21–22); Malachi (Mal. 3:10); Abinadi (Mosiah 13:1–5, 9–10); Samuel the Lamanite (Hel. 14:1–8; Hel. 16:2–3); Brigham Young (D&C 136:1–4). Have each class dramatize their situation. Have the other children guess who the prophet is. Discuss what happened as a result of the prophet’s message.
Have each teacher tell a child something important in that class’s lesson for the day. Have each messenger tell the whole Primary what he or she learned. Explain that the messengers spoke for their teachers to the whole Primary. Ask all the children if they have ever been messengers before (for parents, friends, siblings, and so on). Explain that when we speak for someone else, that person is depending on us to give the entire message correctly. Explain that Heavenly Father sends prophets to deliver His messages. Have several priesthood holders represent various prophets. Have each share that prophet’s message.
Detail from Isaiah, by Ted Henninger
Apostle Paul, by Robert T. Barrett
Painting by Jerry Harston
Painting by Robert T. Barrett
Alma the Younger, by Scott Snow
Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood, by Kenneth Riley
Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon, by Arnold Friberg
King Benjamin Preaches to the Nephites, by Gary Kapp
Brother Joseph, by David Lindsley
Old Testament Prophet, by Judith Mehr
The Second Coming, by Harry Anderson