March 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, Mar. 2001, 1


“An Attitude of Gratitude”

I appreciate so much the First Presidency Message in the May 2000 Liahona (English), “An Attitude of Gratitude” by President Thomas S. Monson, First Counselor in the First Presidency. I really came to understand the importance of gratitude. Making this message a part of me has blessed my life. I will ever try to show gratitude to all who stand as a light and encouragement to me. I feel an attitude of gratitude to all the Church leaders for their inspired messages and testimonies.

Ben Lawrence Ekpezu,
Calabar Second Branch, Calabar Nigeria District

Spiritual Manna

I was baptized into the Church when I was a young girl, and I received a copy of the Liahona (Spanish) the first time I went to church. Now I have children of my own, and I’m still enjoying the magazine very much. My family waits for it each month the same way the Israelites waited for manna. The Liahona feeds us spiritually and strengthens our testimonies, and we’re happy to have the opportunity to become acquainted with the worldwide membership of the Church. I thank my Heavenly Father for this wonderful gift.

Ingrid de Padrón,
San Juan de los Morros Branch, Maracay Venezuela Stake

An Effective Missionary Tool

While I was serving a mission in Chile, I observed that the people loved to read the Liahona (Spanish). As missionaries, we loved to receive the magazine so we could give it to investigators, less-active members, or recent converts.

When we met with members, we always suggested, “Share your copy of the Liahona, because it is a great tool for people to learn about the Church and our values.”

Johnathan Wardle,
Edgemont 11th Ward, Provo Utah Edgemont South Stake

A Better World

Since my baptism I have known that this is the true Church. Before I felt that a part of me was lacking. Now I am complete.

I am writing to congratulate you on publishing this marvelous magazine, A Liahona (Portuguese). The magazine gives us a chance to read the testimonies and experiences of other members throughout the world and know that out there millions of Latter-day Saints are working to make this a better world.

Jonnas A. Menezes,
Sumaré Ward, Vitória da Conquista Brazil Stake
