Latter-day Saint Voices: ‘Let the Consequence Follow’
March 2001

“Latter-day Saint Voices: ‘Let the Consequence Follow’” Liahona, Mar. 2001, 19–23

Latter-day Saint Voices:

“Let the Consequence Follow”

We are blessed to live in a world governed by law. We know if we take certain actions, specific results will come of those actions—always. For instance, we can confidently place one foot before the other because we know the law of gravity will keep us securely anchored to earth.

As it is in the physical world, so it is in the spiritual. “There is a law,” the Prophet Joseph Smith taught, “… upon which all blessings are predicated—And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law” (D&C 130:20–21). For this reason, we need never fear doing what our Heavenly Father asks of us. As the following stories illustrate, whether seeking His truth, sacrificing worldly goods, or trusting His care, we know our faith will be rewarded—always. We may not foresee the results, but we can trust in their benefit to us.

“You will have challenges and hard decisions to make throughout your life,” Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles tells us. “Be determined now to always do what is right and let the consequence follow. The consequence will always be for your best good” (“Do What Is Right,” Liahona, March 2001, 14).
