undefined undefined Comment
May 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, May 2001, 1


“The Faith of a Sparrow”

I have never before read such a profitable and edifying publication as the Liahona (Spanish). I’m a young person who has never really cared to read. And when I started to read the magazine, I didn’t think I would find anything that would motivate me to search the scriptures and help me understand the message of the Lord Jesus Christ. But as I read the January 2000 issue, the talk “The Faith of a Sparrow: Faith and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ” by Elder H. Bruce Stucki of the Seventy had a real impact on my life—so much so that I have continued to study the scriptures.

Thanks to our Heavenly Father and His missionaries, I have found the truth, and I am going to be baptized. Thank you for preparing missionaries to teach people like me.

Alexi Antonio López López,
Oriental Ward, San Miguel El Salvador Stake

Note: Brother López was baptized on 18 March 2000, shortly after this letter was written.

Success in Missionary Work

The work of the Lord is going very well in the Democratic Republic of Congo in spite of the war in certain provinces of the country.

One day my companion and I knocked on the door of Sister Sylvie. Two days later we met her husband, Brother Antoine. He asked us the name of our church. We answered that we were from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

“That is the church I have been looking for,” he cried with joy. “I have an old Book of Mormon, several pages of which I have lost. I am very happy to have found you.”

Three weeks later Brother Antoine was baptized. I know with all my heart that the Spirit leads those who want to be led to the work of the Lord.

Elder Mahongo Ruffin,
Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission

Atonement Motivates Change

I feel very happy each time I receive the Liahona (Spanish). I read and ponder the articles and talks and try to put them into practice. This magazine strengthens me greatly in times of trial. I often give Liahona subscriptions to friends who are not members of the Church.

I have been a member of the Church for 27 years, and I am still learning new things every day. I am always edified to read anything about the Savior’s Atonement. I am truly grateful for the sacrifice He made for us. His example has motivated me to change and to work to live as He wants me to live.

Bertha Barrera de Pulido,
Kennedy First Ward, Bogotá Colombia Kennedy Stake