Mom’s Message
May 2001

“Mom’s Message,” Liahona, May 2001, 32–33

Mom’s Message

Jarolyn Ballard Stout of the Hurricane Fourth Ward, Hurricane Utah Stake, has 10 children. With everyone taking a turn to give a lesson, Mom and Dad had an opportunity to teach only once every two or three months. Jarolyn and her husband wanted to have more involvement in family home evening than that, so they created a new assignment called Mom’s message.

Each week after the lesson, Dad asks Mom for her message, which might be a short thought or a longer discussion. She might highlight a conference talk or deal with a family need. Occasionally Mom’s remarks relate to the lesson given by another family member that evening, especially if it is one she helped a child prepare.

“Mom’s message has been a real success at our house,” Sister Stout reports. “The children enjoy it, and as parents we get a chance for extra input in the instruction portion of our family home evening.”
