undefined undefined Using the May 2001 Liahona
Using the May 2001 Liahona
May 2001

“Using the May 2001 Liahona,” Liahona, May 2001, 48

Using the May 2001 Liahona

You might find some helpful ideas for teaching and discussion in this issue of the Liahona. (The numbers below refer to pages in this issue. F=The Friend.)

Discussion Ideas

  • “The Lighthouse of the Lord,” page 2: President Monson suggests that we plan our future with purpose. Have family or class members write down goals that will help them achieve their purposes here in mortality. If appropriate, have them share these goals.

  • “Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life,” page 34: Talk about Elder Wirthlin’s question: “If saving a book from seawater can be worthy of heavenly attention, how much more will your Heavenly Father be aware of your life and your needs?”

  • “Always My Friend,” page 47: Read Romans 8:35, 37–39, and discuss how we can ensure that we never feel separated from the Savior.

  • “‘You Can’t Give Up,’” page F7: How do you think Tracy’s enduring in bearing her testimony is related to her gaining permission to be baptized?

Call for Youth Articles

We invite our youth readers to tell us how they are applying President Gordon B. Hinckley’s six B’s in their lives and how they are being blessed for doing so (see “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth,” Liahona, April 2001, 30–41). Send articles to Liahona, Floor 24, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3223, USA; or e-mail to liahona@ldschurch.org. Please include your complete name, address, telephone number, and ward and stake (or branch and district).

Photo illustration by Craig Dimond