Serving Any Way I Could
August 2001

“Serving Any Way I Could,” Liahona, Aug. 2001, 44–45

Serving Any Way I Could

I was baptized on 14 December 1974 in Shih Lin, Taiwan. Although I was 70 years old and the water in the outdoor baptismal font was just above freezing, I felt only warmth.

After I was baptized and confirmed, the branch president ordained me to the priesthood and asked me to visit the members. At the time there were about 100 members in the branch, but only about 20 attended church. I obediently visited members every month, and attendance at church quickly rose to more than 80.

As wonderful as the increased attendance was, it presented a problem. We were meeting in a small building off Chung Cheng Road and did not have room for all who wanted to come. So we moved to a larger building on Chung Shan North Road. Though the building was larger, we did not have enough chairs, and in those days it was difficult to obtain materials through normal Church channels. We felt blessed when a member bought 100 chairs and donated them to our chapel. He also bought a piano to replace the old, dilapidated organ we had found in the building.

Yet we had still another problem: no podium. As we prayed to know how to get one, I learned that a local elementary school had some wood we could use. For days I searched for a carpenter who could build a podium from the wood, but I couldn’t find one. Finally, on a Saturday, I decided to build it myself. I had never carried such heavy objects, and I would never have believed I could finish the podium in one day, but God helped me. The podium was ready for church the next day. All the members were amazed, but not as amazed as I was. It seemed a miracle to me.

Since joining the Church, I have not let one day pass without serving in some way. As a result, my life has been blessed with joy, fulfillment, and spiritual riches. Before I joined the Church, my body was weak, but now I feel strong and healthy even as I grow older. I am able to serve often in the Taipei Taiwan Temple. I am grateful for all of God’s blessings, especially the Book of Mormon. In it are words of great beauty. I know that studying the Book of Mormon can bring us spiritual strength and help us deal with the difficult challenges of our time. I know, too, that serving God, no matter what our calling, results in a multitude of blessings. Sometimes even miracles happen.

  • Huang Syi-hua is a member of the Pei Tou Ward, Taipei Taiwan East Stake.
