Using the August 2001 Liahona
August 2001

“Using the August 2001 Liahona,” Liahona, Aug. 2001, 48

Using the August 2001 Liahona

Ideas for Discussion

  • “‘Who Shall Ascend into the Hill of the Lord?’” page 2: Discuss the blessings available to those who qualify to enter the Lord’s house. Then ask the question President James E. Faust quotes: “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?” (see Ps. 24:3–4).

  • “Nourishing the Spirit,” page 10: Elder Dallin H. Oaks explains that some people try to understand the gospel solely through the intellectual methods of study and reason. Why is this intellectual approach inadequate?

  • “Anchored by Faith and Commitment,” page 30: Elder M. Russell Ballard tells about his great-grandfather who was offered a life of ease if he would leave the Church. He refused and chose instead to make the difficult trek to Salt Lake City, arriving ragged and destitute but true to his testimony. What are you willing to give up for your faith? Is there anything you would not be willing to sacrifice if the Lord required it?

  • “He Takes Care of His Church,” page F10: Some children are too young and some converts too new in the Church to remember more than one prophet. Discuss the process the Lord uses to choose a new Church President and the process we can use to know that he really is the Lord’s chosen prophet.

Call for Youth Articles

How did you gain your testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ? We invite young people to send ideas, stories, and experiences on the topic of gaining a testimony to Liahona, Floor 24, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3223, USA; or e-mail to liahona@ldschurch.org. Please include your complete name, address, telephone number, and ward and stake (or branch and district).
