September 2001

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2001, 1


Life’s Guidance from the Prophet

How blessed we are to have a living prophet in these last days. What a life-stirring compass is the First Presidency Message by President Gordon B. Hinckley in the May 1999 Liahona (English). This message, “Life’s Obligations,” is so rich and touching. It has strengthened my testimony of the living prophet of God. I spend time every day reading portions of this message.

On one occasion, I went to a restaurant and took this message with me. One of my clients asked to read it. After reading it, he asked for a copy of it. This man confessed that the message is “inspired and really applies to present-day life.”

Attah Frederick,
Bauchi Branch, Jos Nigeria District

Six-Year-Old Daughter Loves A Liahona

A Liahona (Portuguese) is a real blessing in my life. My six-year-old daughter loves it. When the magazine comes, she immediately asks me to read her stories from the children’s section of the magazine.

Vera Lucia Antoniassi Guerino,
Hortolândia Ward, Campinas Brazil Castelo Stake

Bound Collection of Liahonas

I have been collecting issues of the Liahona (Spanish) for many years. Each year it is a great joy to receive the last issue, so I can bind a year’s worth into one volume. These volumes are an invaluable source of information.

The Liahona has an important place in my little library, which also includes manuals, books, and other Church publications. My collection of Liahonas dates from the conference reports of 1970 to the latest issue of the current year. It has given me greater understanding of the gospel, served as a practical guide for daily living, and helped me prepare for lessons, talks, and other Church assignments. It also provides positive entertainment that edifies me and motivates me to follow the Lord Jesus Christ.

Daniel Alarcón,
Samanes Ward, Guayaquil Ecuador Alborada Stake

A Blessing and a Guide

The Liahona (Spanish) has come to be one of the most beautiful blessings our family receives each month. In it, we find the answers to many of our prayers. The magazine is an inspired publication, and it speaks to us personally and directly about how much Heavenly Father loves us. The articles by the First Presidency and other General Authorities help us understand the scriptures better. As a family, we are very grateful for the spiritual strength we obtain and the knowledge we gain through the magazine.

Maria Corina Smith de Cardona,
San Miguelito Second Branch, San Miguelito Panama Stake
