Latter-day Saint Voices: The Price of Discipleship
September 2001

“Latter-day Saint Voices: The Price of Discipleship,” Liahona, Sept. 2001, 42–47

Latter-day Saint Voices:

The Price of Discipleship

President Gordon B. Hinckley observes that “the price of discipleship is personal courage” (see this issue, page 3). The courage he speaks of is the moral courage it takes to stand up for what we believe, to follow God’s counsel, and to keep His commandments even if those around us do not.

Courage is required of Christ’s disciples in other ways as well. It takes courage to turn the other cheek when someone lashes out in anger. Courage is often required in following the Spirit’s promptings. And as we face personal trials, we must often draw on courage to persevere in reaching righteous goals.

The experiences described here demonstrate the courage that characterizes the Lord’s disciples. They have learned, as President Hinckley has said, to “rejoice in the knowledge that although we are to stand with courage as we travel through mortality and even through our trials, God will not leave us without His guidance and sustaining power” (see this issue, page 6).
