Line upon Line: The Mortal Conflict
September 2001

“Line upon Line: The Mortal Conflict,” Liahona, Sept. 2001, 30

Line upon Line:

The Mortal Conflict

We have come to earth from our premortal home to fulfill several important purposes, one of which is to receive a physical body. Bodies, of course, come in all shapes and sizes, but our physical appearance is not particularly important. What we do with the body we have been given is very important. The question we need to ask ourselves is whether our spirits will govern our bodies or whether our bodies will control our spirits.

The world would have us believe our true identity is nothing more than some combination of the passions, instincts, and experiences that come with the body. But our bodies are inhabited by our spirits, and even though our spirits are not perfect, they come to earth innocent and yearn initially for things that are good and right and pure (see D&C 29:46–47; D&C 93:38). Our spirits come from the presence of God, but because of the veil placed on our minds as we enter mortality, we cannot remember our premortal life. Yet our spirit is attracted to spiritual things. This goodness places our spirits in conflict with our bodies, for our bodies are subject to the temptations of the world (see Moses 6:49).

We might liken our physical bodies to an automobile and our spirits to a driver. An automobile is a wonderful, powerful tool. If the driver is alert and sober and mature enough to drive carefully, he or she is in control and the automobile can take him or her to the desired destination. But if the driver is asleep or drunk, is not paying attention, or is perhaps too immature to drive safely, then the automobile is in control, and it can cause destruction and heartache to both the driver and anyone else who may be in the car’s path.

Elder Melvin J. Ballard (1873–1939) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught that the greatest conflict we will ever face will be with ourselves. He explained: “All the assaults that the enemy of our souls will make to capture us will be through the flesh, because it is made up of the unredeemed earth, and he has power over the elements of the earth. The approach he makes to us will be through the lusts, the appetites, the ambitions of the flesh. All the help that comes to us from the Lord to aid us in this struggle will come to us through the spirit that dwells within this mortal body. So these two mighty forces are operating upon us through these two channels.

“How is the battle going with you? … You never can tell how the battle is going to go unless you are taking good care of the spirit. We know that unless one takes proper food and exercise, speaking physically, there is no growth. If you would have a strong spirit which has dominance over the body, you must see to it that your spirit receives spiritual food and spiritual exercise.

“Where do you get spiritual food? … Once a week members of the Church are invited to go to the sacrament table where they eat and drink the emblems of the broken body and the spilt blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, blessed to their spirits—not to their physical bodies, for he who eats and drinks worthily, eats and drinks spiritual life. We are also charged to seek the Lord daily in prayer, secret prayer and family prayer. What happens then? We close our eyes and shut out the physical world, we open the windows of our souls and draw unto ourselves spiritual blessings, spiritual powers. And there flows into our spiritual life this strength. So these and other opportunities are offered for spiritual food, and spiritual exercise comes through service in behalf of our fellowmen.

“The man or woman who is taking neither spiritual food nor spiritual exercise will presently become a spiritual weakling, and the flesh will be master. Whoever therefore is obtaining both spiritual food and exercise will be in control over this body and will keep it subject unto the will of God.

“… You have all heard the adage that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link. It will break at its weak point. Generally we will observe that our weak link is in the flesh. The devil knows the weak link, and when he undertakes to capture a soul he will strike at the weak point. There may be strength elsewhere, but he never attacks us where we are strong. He attacks where we are weak. …

“It is not bodies, it is immortal spirits that the devil wants. And he tries to capture them through the body, for the body can enslave the spirit, but the spirit can keep the body a servant and be its master” (“Conflict Will Come between Forces of Good and Evil; Every Soul Must Choose to Uphold One Side or Other” [address delivered in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, 29 April 1928]; see Tambuli, September 1984, 30–41).

Photo illustration by Craig Dimond
