September 2002

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2002, 1


“Do What Is Right”

At my baptism we sang “Do What Is Right” (Hymns, number 237), and I immediately felt that this hymn held meaning for me. Elder Richard G. Scott’s message “Do What Is Right” in the March 2001 Liahona (Spanish) also made a great impression on me. Reading the magazine is like taking a minute to refresh myself.

Carlos Aníbal Guilarte,
Maracay Ward, Maracay Venezuela Stake

Callings Help Perfect Us

When I became a member of the Church, I didn’t know about Church callings. To my great surprise, I was called to teach the young men. I didn’t hesitate, in spite of my fear. It was a heavy responsibility for me. But through prayer and faith, the young men and I started to learn divine principles. I have come to understand the blessing of Church callings.

The Liahona (French) has also helped strengthen my faith. When I was in a village where the gospel has not yet come, the Liahona helped me keep my virtue. I was comforted until I was able to return to my home. Thanks to the Liahona, my faith has grown.

Diemo Kalambay,
Gecamines Second Ward, Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of Congo Stake

Reading the Liahona Is a Joy

I have had the gospel in my life since I was six years old. The Liahona (Spanish) was always in our home. Each time my father received the month’s issue, it was a joy for me because I knew that I could read it too. Now I’m raising my own children in the gospel, and I know that Jesus Christ is the only way back to our Heavenly Father.

Nancy Galindo de Pérez,
Windy Ridge (Spanish) Branch, Orlando Florida South Stake

A Testimony of Jesus Christ

It is marvelous to have a testimony of Jesus Christ. And it is even better to share this testimony with other people. I am grateful to have acquired a testimony of my Savior through choosing the right, reading the Book of Mormon, and attending seminary. I bear testimony that He lives and that one day He will return.

Nayanne Frota Pontes,
Sobral First Branch, Sobral Brazil District

Liahona Helps Students

I love reading the Liahona (English). The stories it contains are full of love, hope, and courage. I feel Heavenly Father’s and Jesus Christ’s love every time I open it. The Liahona also helps me in my daily endeavors as a student. It reminds me what a Latter-day Saint should do.

Florence L. Ricardo,
Aurora Ward, Burgos Philippines Stake
