October 2002

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2002, 1


Delighted with Missionary Issue

I was delighted to find many articles about missionaries in the October 2001 Liahona (Spanish). They helped me understand more about how important a mission is and what it’s like to be a full-time missionary. I enjoyed reading each article. They strengthened my desire to serve a mission.

Christián Herrera Mejía,
Framboyanes Ward, Tapachula México Izapa Stake

Moved by My First Liahona

I already had a desire to serve a mission, but I was so moved by the October 2001 Liahona (English) that I felt I should begin serving a mission immediately. October 2001 was the first month of our subscription, and already I like the Liahona very much.

Allwyn Arokia Raj Kilbert,
Coimbatore First Branch, Bangalore India District

I Asked for a Copy

After joining the Church, I kept hearing about Le Liahona (French), but I did not really know what it was. One day I asked a friend for a copy. After reading it, I was filled with joy and with the Spirit. Thanks to the magazine I am preparing to go on a mission.

Marc Henry Simon,
Les Cayes Branch, Les Cayes Haiti District

A Faithful Reader in Albania

I am a faithful reader of the Liahona (Albanian), and I very much like the information, news, messages, and stories published in it. I am grateful to be able to read it in my own language.

I was baptized in September 2001 at age 70. Seven years before, my left leg and arm became paralyzed. While I was ill, the missionaries came to my house. These young men found me confined to bed, and they gave me priesthood blessings—as well as teaching me the gospel of Jesus Christ. I had lost the desire and the will to read until they shared a pamphlet about Joseph Smith. I asked for whatever reading material they could provide me. My wife was soon baptized. It took me longer, but I am grateful now to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Agim Shehu,
Tirana Fourth Branch, Tirana Albania District
