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General Conference Issues Will Arrive Sooner
October 2002

“General Conference Issues Will Arrive Sooner,” Liahona, Oct. 2002, insert

General Conference Issues Will Arrive Sooner

Wouldn’t you love to receive your general conference issues of the Liahona earlier? Starting next month, that’s what will happen.

Beginning in November 2002, conference messages will be published in the May and November Liahona, rather than in January and July. You will be able to study the words of the living prophets sooner and to apply their inspired teachings in your life.

This schedule may cause slight delays in the arrival times for May and November issues, but the overall result will be that you will receive conference issues of the Liahona sooner.

If you have questions, contact your ward or branch leaders or your local distribution center.

Just What You Need

At the close of a recent conference, President Gordon B. Hinckley said: “I constantly marvel at these great semiannual gatherings. … I think nearly everyone [says] of one or more of the talks, ‘That was intended just for me. That is just what I needed to hear.’

“This is the reason, I may say, why these conferences are held—to strengthen our testimonies of this work, to fortify us against temptation and sin, to lift our sights, to receive instruction concerning the programs of the Church and the pattern of our lives” (“Good-bye for Another Season,” Liahona, July 2001, 102).

That is why the Liahona conference issues are published—to provide a written record of messages that are just what you need.

Words of the Prophets—in Your Home

For many years, Church leaders have encouraged Latter-day Saints to study conference messages and to have the Liahona in our homes.

The First Presidency

“As members of the Church, we have marvelous resources to help us cling to our values and walk in obedience to the Lord. Among these resources are the magazines produced by the Church. Through the pages of the Church magazines, the words of the living prophets and apostles can come into our homes on a regular basis to guide and inspire us and our families.

“We urge all members throughout the world to subscribe to and read the Church magazines. We encourage priesthood leaders to see to it that every Latter-day Saint home has this opportunity.”

The First Presidency:

Gordon B. Hinckley

Thomas S. Monson

James E. Faust

1 April 1998

President Howard W. Hunter

“As I have pondered the messages of the conference, I have asked myself this question: How can I help others partake of the goodness and blessings of our Heavenly Father? The answer lies in following the direction received from those we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators, and others of the General Authorities. Let us study their words, spoken under the Spirit of inspiration, and refer to them often. The Lord has revealed his will to the Saints in this conference.”

President Howard W. Hunter

2 October 1994

The First Presidency

“In these times when every standard of truth and righteousness seems to be assailed, we must provide members with every possible aid to help them combat undermining influences.

“The Church magazines are vital to members and friends of the Church. The magazines convey the mind and will of the Lord through His chosen servants.”

The First Presidency:

Ezra Taft Benson

Gordon B. Hinckley

Thomas S. Monson

21 January 1986

The First Presidency

“No text or volume outside the standard works of the Church should claim the attention of our people as much as the issues of the … magazine containing the messages delivered by the Brethren at the general conferences of the Church.”

The First Presidency:

Spencer W. Kimball

N. Eldon Tanner

Marion G. Romney

1 July 1974

The First Presidency

“We feel that the Church magazines are essential tools in our gospel teaching program. They are designed not only to strengthen the faith of Church members, to promulgate the truths of the everlasting gospel, and to keep members informed on current and vital policies, programs, and happenings, but also to provide worthwhile articles to entertain and enrich their lives.

“But these purposes cannot be realized unless the magazines reach the homes of our people and are read. We are therefore reiterating and reemphasizing our request that we do all we can to have our magazines in every possible home.”

The First Presidency:

Harold B. Lee

N. Eldon Tanner

Marion G. Romney

2 October 1972

Share the Words of the Prophets

Every issue of the Liahona contains messages from prophets, seers, and revelators. What a great blessing to have their guidance in our lives.

Now is a great time to:

  • Begin to subscribe.

  • Renew your subscription.

  • Give a gift subscription to a friend or family member.

You can order the Liahona in one of the following ways:

  • In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-537-5971.

  • In the Europe Central and Europe East Areas, subscription forms are not used. Contact your ward or branch leaders to receive the Liahona.

  • In all other areas, contact your ward or branch leaders to find out how to subscribe. They may help you order a subscription, or they may put you in contact with your local distribution center.

You can order and receive the Liahona in any of the following languages:

  • Twelve issues per year: Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Samoan, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Tongan, and Ukrainian

  • Six issues per year: Cebuano, Hungarian, Indonesian, and Thai

  • Four issues per year: Bulgarian, Czech, Fijian, Ilokano, Kiribati, Polish, Romanian, Tahitian, and Vietnamese

  • Three issues per year: Haitian

  • Two issues per year: Albanian, Armenian (East), Cambodian, Estonian, Hiligaynon, Malagasy, Marshallese, Mongolian, Pangasinan, Tamil, Telugu, and Waray

  • One issue per year: Croatian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Sinhala, and Slovenian

Have the following information ready to give to your ward or branch leaders or the distribution center. (This is not an order form to send to distribution centers.)

  • For your own subscription:

  • Your name

  • Your address

  • Your ward or branch

  • Your telephone number

  • Language edition of the Liahona you are requesting

For gift subscriptions:

  • Recipient’s name

  • Recipient’s address

  • Recipient’s ward or branch

  • Recipient’s telephone number

  • Language edition of the Liahona you are requesting

Share the words of the prophets, and they will strengthen and bless you and those you love.