“The Savior Goes to Jerusalem,” Liahona, Oct. 2002, 9
The Savior Goes to Jerusalem

Some people told the Pharisees that Jesus had brought Lazarus back to life. The Pharisees thought that everyone would believe in Jesus and that no one would listen to them anymore. John 11:46–48

They planned a way to kill Jesus. They waited for Him to go to Jerusalem for the Passover meal. John 11:50–51, 56–57

Jesus went from Bethany to Jerusalem. Many people heard that He was coming and went to meet Him. Jesus was riding a young donkey. A prophet had written that the Son of God would ride a young donkey into Jerusalem. Many people had seen His miracles and believed that Jesus was the Son of God. Now they put their clothes on the ground for the donkey to walk on. They waved palm leaves in the air and said that Jesus was the Savior. Zech. 9:9; Matt. 21:4–9; John 12:1, 12–15

All the people in Jerusalem came to see what was happening. They asked who Jesus was. The disciples said that He was a prophet from Nazareth. Matt. 21:10–11

The Pharisees were angry because many people believed in the Savior. Jesus knew the Pharisees wanted to kill Him. John 11:53; John 12:19, 23

Jesus told His disciples that He would soon die. He would suffer for the sins of all people, and He would die on the cross. He would be the Savior of the world. This was why He had come to earth. John 12:23–25, 27, 32–33, 47
Illustrations by Paul Mann