December 2002

“Comment,” Liahona, Dec. 2002, 1


Enjoyed Missionary Articles

My mission call to serve in the California Ventura Mission arrived on 26 September 2001. When the October issue of the Liahona (Spanish) came to my home in Puerto Rico, it was all about serving a mission. This issue is one of my favorites because it gave me many ideas about how to be a good missionary.

Elder José A. Román Serrano
California Ventura Mission

Share the Liahona with Friends

I enjoy reading the Liahona (English) each month. I take it with me everywhere I go. My friends borrow it to see what is inside, and they really appreciate it. That is what makes me happy—sharing the Liahona with my friends and relatives who are not yet members of the Church. I would encourage members to lend others the issues of the Liahona they have already read.

Flora T. Gadaingan
Calasiao Second Ward, Dagupan Philippines Stake

Encouraged by Examples of Latter-day Saints

As elders quorum president in my ward, I like to read the Liahona (Spanish) because the messages from our prophet help me prepare to teach my quorum. The words of the living prophet also help me improve, and reading about the examples of Latter-day Saints in other parts of the world encourages me to press forward.

Jahuner Francisco Orozco Campos
Altagracia Ward, Managua Nicaragua Stake
