undefined undefined Comment
January 2003

“Comment,” Liahona, Jan. 2003, 1


Approval of Our Consciences

Our family has been collecting issues of the Liahona (Spanish) for more than 20 years, and they have been a real comfort to us when we have needed the Spirit of God. The observations by President David O. McKay printed in the September 2001 issue contained great messages for our lives. President McKay’s words inspired us to have the approval of our consciences so that when we are alone with our thoughts, we can be in the company of true friends (see “The Shape of Character: Classic Insights from President David O. McKay,” p. 40). We are grateful as a family for the spiritual strength we receive from the Liahona.
Hernán Toledo Martínez,
El Mirador Ward, Angol Chile Stake

Le Liahona Helped in Conversion

I am very happy to express my joy and gratitude for the fact that the last issue of L’Étoile (the former name of the Church’s French magazine) and the first issue of Le Liahona (the current name of the Church’s French magazine) helped put me on the path of the restored gospel, which I had been seeking for many years.

Disappointed by the false teachings that met me everywhere I turned in life, I had decided never to enter a church of any kind until Jesus Christ Himself returned and announced His gospel in person. The presentation and contents of the articles in the magazine, however, led me to the truth as restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I am again attending church, this time the true Church of Jesus Christ.
Fidele Kituma-wa-Talanzambi,
Mbuji Mayi Branch, Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission

Enjoys News of the Church

I like to read A Liahona (Portuguese), and I like the News of the Church best of all. When I read it, I learn about what is happening in the Church in other parts of the world. Those who have not subscribed to the magazine do not know what they are missing.
Rodrigo Barros Soares,
Nilo Wulff Ward, Porto Alegre Brazil South Stake