undefined undefined Idea List: Teens Leading Teens
Idea List: Teens Leading Teens
January 2003

“Idea List: Teens Leading Teens,” Liahona, Jan. 2003, 24

Idea List:

Teens Leading Teens

The following ideas have helped me as I have served in Young Women class presidencies in my ward in the Philippines. Perhaps these principles will be helpful to you in your leadership callings.

Give time. Devote time to your responsibility, and you can accomplish almost anything.

Be kind. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Be calm and patient. Develop a spirit of friendship. Let others know they are important to you by seeking to understand their challenges and successes.

Respect others. Treat those you lead with respect. Remember that each individual is a unique child of God with potential to become as He is.

Sacrifice. Try to make decisions that take into account others’ needs and opinions instead of considering only what is best for you.

Study. Study the gospel regularly and consistently. The scriptures and other good books can help you share gospel insights with those you are called to lead.

Share talents. Don’t hide your light under a bushel (see Matt. 5:14–16). Share your talents and abilities, and find ways to help others share theirs.

Seek counsel. Ask the other members of your presidency as well as your parents, adult leaders, and especially Heavenly Father for guidance and support as you fulfill your calling.

Do your best! Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed. The Lord called you, and He will qualify you. You will not fail if you do your best and trust in Him.

  • Charlotte Cachapero is a member of the Plaridel Second Ward, Malolos Philippines Stake.