undefined undefined The Ten Virgins
The Ten Virgins
January 2003

“The Ten Virgins,” Liahona, Jan. 2003, 10–12

The Ten Virgins

Ten virgins went to a wedding

Jesus told a story about ten young women who went to a wedding. They waited at the door for the bridegroom (the Son of Man) to come and let them in. They did not know just when He would come. Matt. 25:1, 13

Five were wise

The ten women had oil-burning lamps. Five of the women were wise. Besides the oil in their lamps, they had extra oil with them. Matt. 25:2, 4

Other five had no extra oil

The other five women were foolish. They had only the oil that was in their lamps. Matt. 25:3

Five wise virgins were prepared to meet the bridegroom

The bridegroom did not come for a long time. When all the oil in the lamps was gone, the five wise women put their extra oil into their lamps. The five foolish women had to go buy more oil. Matt. 25:5–9

They went to the wedding

While they were gone, the bridegroom came. He let the five wise women in the door. They went to the wedding. Matt. 25:10

The five foolish ones couldn’t go to the wedding

When the five foolish women returned, the door was closed. They could not go to the wedding. Matt. 25:10–13

The women are members of the Church

Jesus, the Son of Man, is the bridegroom in this story. The members of the Church are the ten women. When He comes again, some members will be like the wise women. They follow the Spirit’s promptings and obey God’s commandments, and so they will be ready when Jesus comes again. Others will be like the five foolish women and will not be able to be with the Savior. 3 Ne. 25:1–2; D&C 45:56–57; D&C 88:86, 92; James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, 3rd ed. (1916), 576–80

Illustrations by Paul Mann