undefined undefined Comment
February 2003

“Comment,” Liahona, Feb. 2003, 1


Palmyra Temple Dedication

I have been a reader of A Liahona (Portuguese) for some time. I especially enjoy the messages of President Gordon B. Hinckley.

In the September 2001 Liahona, I read a short history of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s family titled “Cradle of the Restoration,” a very beautiful story. Most touching of all was the excerpt of the Palmyra New York Temple dedicatory prayer. It was a simple prayer, but it was so great that it left us with no question about who inspired it. I had the privilege of sharing it with my family and with the full-time missionaries.
Messias Cassimiro Valente,
Rio Branco Ward, Natal Brazil Stake

A Source of Peace and Joy

The Liahona (Spanish) is a source of peace and joy. Through the inspired words of our dear prophet and apostles, I have received instruction, consolation, guidance, hope, and much love. Sometimes the messages are especially for me; other times they seem to be for family members and others. The Spirit teaches me what I should underline and what I could share.
María Carmen Holgado Moratal,
Alcoy Branch, Alcoy Spain District

“First Things First”

Each time I read the conference issue of the Liahona (Spanish), I find talks that strengthen me to meet my difficulties. I really liked the talk “First Things First,” by Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, in the July 2001 Liahona. I have tried to apply his words to myself: “Do the best you can while on earth to have an ideal family.

I am the only Latter-day Saint in my family. When Elder Scott said, “Let nothing dissuade you from that objective” of having an ideal family, I resolved to take advantage of each opportunity to share my testimony with my family.
Silvia Marisol Emérita García Bonito,
Los Planes Ward, San Salvador El Salvador Stake

Congratulations on Nauvoo Temple

Congratulations on the rebuilding of the Nauvoo Illinois Temple. I’m not a member of your church. I’m a priest in the Community of Christ (formerly The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). I learned about the temple in the Liahona (German), which I have read for many years. I send you my best wishes, and may Heavenly Father be with you all.
Michael Schoepke,
Berlin, Germany