undefined undefined The First Sacrament
The First Sacrament
February 2003

“The First Sacrament,” Liahona, Feb. 2003, 11–13

The First Sacrament

Feast of the Passover

Every year the Jews had a feast called the Feast of the Passover. It helped them remember how God had saved the Israelites in Egypt long before, in the time of Moses. Ex. 12:27; Luke 22:7

Jesus and Apostles needed a place to eat

Jesus and the Twelve Apostles needed a place to eat the Passover feast. The Savior sent Peter and John to get a room ready for it. Luke 22:8

Peter and John prepared the feast

They found the room and got the feast ready. Luke 22:9–13

Jesus and the Apostles ate the Passover feast

Jesus and all the Apostles went there and ate the Passover feast. Luke 22:14

Jesus gives the sacrament

At the meal, Jesus gave His Apostles the sacrament for the first time. He took bread in His hands, blessed it, then broke it into pieces. He told the Apostles to eat the bread. Matt. 26:26; Luke 22:19

Think of His body when you the bread

Jesus told them to think of His body when they ate the bread, to remember that He would die for them. Matt. 26:26; Luke 22:19

The wine

Jesus poured some wine into a cup. He blessed the wine. He told the Apostles to drink it. Matt. 26:27

Think of His blood when you drink the wine

He told them to think of His blood when they drank the wine, to remember that He would bleed and suffer for people’s sins. Matt. 26:28; Luke 22:20

Judas Iscariot would help the wicked people

Jesus also told the Apostles that wicked people would kill Him. Eleven of the Apostles were very sad. They loved the Savior and did not want Him to die. Jesus knew that one of the Apostles, Judas Iscariot, would help the wicked people. Matt. 26:2, 14–16, 21–25

Illustrations by Paul Mann