undefined undefined Never Give Up
Never Give Up
March 2003

“Never Give Up,” Liahona, Mar. 2003, 45

Never Give Up

It was the 1970s, and my father, Horacio Lacayo, was a poor 13-year-old boy. One day his mother was angry with him and told him he would never amount to anything. He was upset and knew he had to do better. He decided he would make some changes.

Not long after that he met two missionaries, and they began telling him about the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Horacio had a great desire to learn more and to be baptized, but when he told his father, his father was angry. He said they already had a religion and he would never allow him to be a member of another church.

So Horacio asked his sister Maria to talk to their father for him. He often listened to her advice. After Horacio told Maria about the Church and explained that he wanted to be baptized, she agreed to help. She took the permission form to their father and told him firmly, “Signing this paper is the best thing you can do for your son.”

His father eventually gave his permission, and Horacio was baptized. But soon his father began to regret his decision and forbade Horacio to go to church. When Horacio begged him to reconsider, his father angrily told him to leave their home and never come back. So Horacio went to live with his aunt.

One night about a year later, Horacio dreamed that his father was very sick and was calling for him. The next morning before going to church, he told his aunt about his dream. She assured him it was just a dream and he should not worry about it.

When he returned home from church, his aunt was upset. She said, “I don’t know how you knew, but your dad has been hurt in an accident. He is calling for you.” When Horacio went to see his father, his father apologized for what he had done and said he would no longer oppose Horacio’s Church activity.

Eventually many of Horacio’s family members and friends joined the Church. Today Horacio, his wife, Aida, and their four sons are active Church members. Two sons are serving missions, and one just returned from a mission.

How was Horacio able to keep his faith as a boy? He never forgot that the Lord was at his side and that He would not let him down. My father never gave up.

I know the Lord will strengthen us in our spiritual battles, just as He did my father, Horacio Lacayo.

  • Jason Lacayo is a member of the Camorim Ward, Rio de Janeiro Brazil Jacarepaguá Stake, and is currently serving in the Chile Osorno Mission.