“Sharing Time: I Am a Child of God,” Liahona, Mar. 2003, 4
Sharing Time:
I Am a Child of God
“All of you are children of the most High” (Ps. 82:6).
Name some of your favorite Primary songs. Why did you choose those particular songs? You probably enjoy them because they have a good melody or an important message.
One song that is a favorite for Primary children throughout the world is “I Am a Child of God.” It was written for a Primary conference in 1957 by Sister Naomi W. Randall and Sister Mildred T. Pettit. Sister Randall prayed for help in writing the message. She awoke in the middle of the night with the words of the song in mind. She mailed the words, or lyrics, to Sister Pettit. Sister Pettit put the words to music.
A few years later, President Spencer W. Kimball suggested changing “Teach me all that I must know” to “Teach me all that I must do.” He said that “to know isn’t enough. … We have to do something.” (See “Fun with Favorites,” Tambulilit, June–July 1985, 4.)
You learn important truths when you sing this song. You learn that you really are a child of God. You learn that Heavenly Father has sent you to a home with parents who can help you. And, especially, you learn that when you do what is right, you can one day return to live with Heavenly Father.
Personalized Picture and Frame
Remove page 5 from the magazine. Cut on the thick dark line, and glue the frame to heavy paper. Fold under the strip at the bottom as a stand for the frame. Decorate it by cutting out the items—or drawing other items—that show things you like to do or want to do, then gluing the items to the frame. Attach a picture—or draw one—of yourself in the middle of the frame. Place it where it will remind you that you are a child of God and have been blessed with many talents.

Sharing Time Ideas
Display pictures of some of the children in your Primary. Tell how each child is different—and special. Testify of each child’s divine nature. Help the children memorize A of F 1:7 by writing it on the chalkboard. Have the children repeat it; then choose a child to erase one or two words. Continue the process until no words remain on the chalkboard. Discuss various talents and personality traits, such as being good at athletics, music, or art; being friendly; being kind. Have the children stand in a circle. Choose one child to be “It.” The child who is It tosses a beanbag or other item to someone standing in the circle and calls out a talent such as “athletics,” then counts quickly to 10. The child who catches the beanbag must name an athletic talent, such as “playing soccer” before It reaches 10; if not, he or she becomes It. Sing “I Am a Child of God” (Children’s Songbook, 2–3).
Have the children name people from the scriptures whom they admire, such as Moses, Daniel, David, Esther, Paul, Nephi, and Alma. Write the list on the chalkboard. Divide the children into groups, and allow them to choose one of the people from the list and dramatize a story from that person’s life (see Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 165–66). As the groups present their dramatizations, have the Primary guess which person’s story is being portrayed. After each presentation, discuss the qualities of nobleness and greatness shown by the scripture person. Sing songs or hymns that talk about these qualities. Read Abr. 3:22–23. Bear testimony that all of these people were among those who were chosen in the pre-earth life. Explain that each child was also chosen before he or she was born. Challenge the children to live their lives like the noble and great people in the scriptures.