Using the March 2003 Liahona
March 2003

“Using the March 2003 Liahona,” Liahona, Mar. 2003, 48

Using the March 2003 Liahona

Discussion Ideas

  • “Reasons to Stay Pure,” p. 6: Elder Neal A. Maxwell explains that Church members share some of the world’s concerns about breaking the law of chastity. But he also teaches that our “reasons for keeping the seventh commandment go far beyond these … concerns.” What are some of these higher reasons?

  • “Everything Good and Beautiful,” p. 14: Talk about modesty by finding pictures of temples and of worldly buildings and discussing the relationship between appearance and purpose. Then draw a parallel between architecture and clothing styles.

  • “Looking beyond the Mark,” p. 20: Discuss one of the ways we might look beyond the mark. Ask for specific examples of how this particular issue can be a stumbling block.

  • “Grandma Emily’s Chicken,” p. F6: Tell the story of Grandma Emily’s hen, and ask for examples to further illustrate the idea that we can bless others through our sacrifices—even when it is inconvenient.

Stories from Couple Missionaries

Have you and your spouse served a mission together? We are looking for stories from couple missionaries that will inspire others to consider the blessings of serving a mission. Please send your submissions to Couple Missionaries, Liahona, Floor 24, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3223, USA; or e-mail to liahona@ldschurch.org. Please include your complete name, address, telephone number, and ward and stake (or branch and district).
