undefined undefined Comment
August 2003

“Comment,” Liahona, Aug. 2003, 1


“Pillars of Truth”

I am very grateful for the Liahona. It is enjoyable to read, and the articles exemplify the qualities of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope all Latter-day Saints will obtain this magnificent tool. I especially appreciated the First Presidency Message, “Pillars of Truth,” in the May 2002 issue. We have the truth, and we need to express our gratitude for it every day.
Eduardo Arroyo Teherán,
Paraíso Ward, Barranquilla Colombia Paraíso Stake

Grateful for Beautiful Articles

Before I was a member of the Church, the woman who later became my wife showed me an issue of the Liahona, and there was something special about it. During the time I was progressing from investigator to convert, a spiritual witness confirmed to me the truthfulness of the gospel. I felt the peaceable whisperings of the Holy Ghost, sweetly motivating me to accept the truth.

I’m grateful for my wife’s efforts, and I’m grateful to our inspired brothers and sisters for writing such beautiful articles. It is a pleasure to receive the Liahona. I can’t stop reading until I’ve finished the entire issue.
Alfredo José Cánepa,
Ytororo Branch, Fernando de la Mora Paraguay South Stake

“Standing Up to Temptation”

The Liahona has helped me a great deal in my personal life. I was deeply moved by the Idea List, “Standing Up to Temptation,” in the November 2001 issue. It has helped me as a missionary to overcome temptations. I hope it has also helped others.
Sister Shelly T. Kollah,
Nigeria Port Harcourt Mission

Bearing Testimony of Jesus Christ

At school, we were studying different religions. The teacher assigned me and my friend Andressa, who is also a member of the Church, to talk about Jesus Christ.

When we began our presentation, many of our fellow students laughed at us, but we did not weaken. We talked about His life—from His birth to His Resurrection. When we finished, many laughed and said annoying things. I became very sad. I thought about missionaries who have doors slammed in their faces, and I realized I was having a similar experience. I bore my testimony about Jesus Christ, that He gave His life and suffered for our sins.

At the end, many of the teachers, including our own, thanked us for having taught them some things they did not know.
Cléa de Souza Lira, age 14,
Potengi Ward, Natal Brazil Potengi Stake