“Simon and the Priesthood,” Liahona, Aug. 2003, 10–11
Simon and the Priesthood

Many people in Samaria heard and believed the gospel and were baptized. But they did not have the Holy Ghost. Acts 8:5, 12–16

Peter and John went to Samaria. They laid their hands on the people’s heads and gave them the Holy Ghost. Acts 8:14–17

A man named Simon saw Peter and John give people the gift of the Holy Ghost, and Simon knew that the two Apostles had the power of the priesthood. He wanted the power of the priesthood too. Acts 8:9, 18–19

He asked them if he could buy it. Peter told Simon that no one can buy the priesthood, that God gives it only to righteous men. Peter knew that Simon was not righteous and told him to repent. Acts 8:18–24
Illustrations by Robert T. Barrett