October 2003

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2003, 1


Enjoyed Missionary Article

I’m 12 years old and have been a member of the Church for a little more than one year. I’d like to express my sincere appreciation for the Liahona. I like all the sections because they help us in our daily lives and teach us more about the gospel. I especially liked the article “It’s Your Call” in the October 2001 issue because it describes each step we need to take to become missionaries. Thanks for the Liahona and The Friend. They are very faithful gospel companions.
Luis Eduardo Haro Bustos,
Puerto Natales Branch, Punta Arenas Chile Stake

Joy from Sharing Testimony

The Liahona brings me great pleasure and delight. The Savior promised, “Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8). The Liahona shows me how a testimony can bring about miracles, how step by step I can learn to be a witness of Jesus Christ. It is a great joy to me to know the Lord and even greater is my joy to help others come to know Him. A beautiful thing in heaven will be the joy of those we have helped bring to the Lord (see D&C 18:16).
Dimitur Nikolov,
Sliven Branch, Plovdiv Bulgaria District

A Spiritual Gem

The Liahona is a spiritual gem. This wonderful magazine has blessed my life from the time I was a young man. The words of the prophets, seers, and revelators, the valuable articles for youth, and the tender and inspiring children’s section have edified my life for more than 25 years. I thank my parents for having this pearl of great price in our home so I could enjoy its richness. Now I encourage my own children to fill their souls with its divine truth.
Daniel Marcelo Cañoles,
Cruz del Sur Ward, Talcahuano Chile Colón Stake

Appreciates Comment Letters

I am amazed at how the Lord blesses His people in these latter days. I have subscribed to the Liahona since 1987, when I became a member of the Church. I feel great when I read the Comment section. The feelings and testimonies of these wonderful people around the world strengthen me. How blessed I am to be a member of the Lord’s Church. I feel assured that this magazine is inspired of God to touch His people around the world.
Victorino F. dela Cruz Jr.,
Quezon Hill Ward, Baguio Philippines Stake
