Using the December 2003 Liahona
December 2003

“Using the December 2003 Liahona,” Liahona, Dec. 2003, 48

Using the December 2003 Liahona

Family Home Evening Ideas

  • “The Divinity of Jesus Christ,” p. 12: Elder Orson F. Whitney understood that the sleeping Apostles in his dream represented his own performance as a young missionary. Ask family members to consider ways they can be sure not to be “asleep at [their] post.”

  • “Ten Things I Love about You,” p. 10: Read about the gift Eric gave his family for Christmas; then discuss other gifts that family members might give.

  • “Not Room Enough to Receive It,” p. 18: Select one or two of these stories to share. Bear your testimony about the law of tithing. Ask family members to tell about blessings they have received from obeying this law.

  • “Being a Witness for God,” p. F15: Elder Henry B. Eyring tells of friends who reject the missionaries but later thank Elder Eyring for offering them something that means so much to him. Ask family members how this story might help them overcome a fear of inviting friends to learn more about the Church.

Call for Christmas Experiences

What are you giving for Christmas this year? If you have a great Christmas experience to share, we would like to receive it for Christmas! Did you serve anonymously? How did you come closer to the Savior? Please share your experience with readers of the Liahona. Send it to liahona@ldschurch.org or to Christmas Experiences, Liahona, Room 2420, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA.

Photograph by Christina Smith, posed by model
