“Book of Mormon Hero: Who Am I?” Liahona, Feb. 2004, 19
Book of Mormon Hero:
Who Am I?
Read the following clues about my life and try to figure out who I am. Then discover more about me from the scripture references below.
My father was a prophet of God.
I came from a large family.
I was born in the wilderness.
Growing up, I knew the family of a man named Zoram.
When I was very young, my mother and father almost died.
Some of my older brothers often picked on me.
In a father’s blessing, I was taught “that there is an opposition in all things.”
My father died when I was still young.
I became a priest and teacher when I was a young man.
A book in the Book of Mormon is named after me.
I wrote the longest chapter in the Book of Mormon.
During a sermon, I took off my coat and dramatically shook it before my people.
Near the end of my life, a wicked man challenged me to show him a sign from God. The power of God struck him down, and he died a few days later.
During my life, I saw my Redeemer. I also saw angels, and they ministered unto me.
The last word I wrote in my book was translated as adieu, a French word that means “farewell” or “God be with you.”
For the answer, see 1 Ne. 1:5–20; 2:5; 16:7; 18:7, 17–18; 2 Ne. 2:1, 4, 11; 4:12; 5:6, 26; 6–10; 11:3; Jacob 1–7.
Painting by Clark Kelley Price