Daddy’s Blessing
February 2004

“Daddy’s Blessing,” Liahona, Feb. 2004, F6

Daddy’s Blessing

Based on a true story

“We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority” (A of F 1:5).

Katie sat with her parents in the bishop’s office. The bishop, his counselors, and President Barlow talked with Daddy and Mommy. President Barlow was a member of the stake presidency. Grandma and Grandpa Chadwick, Daddy’s parents, were also there.

Daddy was being set apart as the ward elders quorum president. Five-year-old Katie didn’t understand what being set apart meant.

Mommy had told her that when someone is called to a position in the Church, Heavenly Father wants that person to receive a special blessing from those with priesthood authority.

Daddy sat in a chair in the middle of the room. “Dad, will you participate in the setting apart?” he asked Grandpa.

Tears gathered in Grandpa’s eyes. “I’d be honored,” he said.

Grandpa joined the other men in a circle around the chair where Daddy sat. They placed their hands on Daddy’s head.

Katie saw Mommy and Grandma Chadwick close their eyes and fold their arms. Katie closed her eyes and folded her arms too.

President Barlow said a prayer, but it was a different kind of prayer than Katie was used to hearing. He asked Heavenly Father to bless her daddy in performing his duties.

When the blessing was over, everyone said, “Amen.” Katie said, “Amen,” too.

Her daddy stood and wiped tears from his eyes. “Thank you,” he said to the men. “I’ll do my best to help the elders in our ward.”

The men in the circle all shook his hand.

Katie sat on the chair and folded her arms. “I’m ready, Daddy.”

“What are you ready for, Sweetheart?” Daddy asked.

“I want a blessing too,” Katie said.

Her parents exchanged glances. The other people in the room smiled.

“I think that’s a good idea,” Daddy said. “You aren’t being set apart, but you can have a father’s blessing.” Then he placed his hands on Katie’s head. He blessed her that she would be able to choose the right and obey her parents. At the end of the blessing, everyone said, “Amen.”

Katie got down from the chair and held out her hand. Daddy shook her hand. Katie felt warm and happy inside.

  • Jane McBride Choate is a member of the Big Thompson Ward, Loveland Colorado Stake.

Illustrated by Ron Peterson
