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Using the Liahona
June 2004

“Using the Liahona,” Liahona, June 2004, 1

Using the Liahona

Family Home Evening Ideas

“Teaching from the Heart,” p. 8: If you have children who are nearing mission age, you may wish to base a family home evening lesson on this interview with Elder Richard G. Scott and Elder Charles Didier. Explore ways your children might prepare themselves to teach from the heart and by the Spirit. One way you might practice these principles is to regularly give children and youth the opportunity to teach family home evening lessons.

“Teaching Our Children to Accept Differences,”p. 16: Read Sister Gayle M. Clegg’s analogy about learning a second language after age eight. Talk about why some people speak with accents. Ask family members to give examples of other types of “accents” that are harder to eliminate as people grow older. Discuss attitudes you and your family might have that are difficult to change; then set a goal to replace them with more Christlike attitudes.

“You’re in the Driver’s Seat,”p. 26: Read President Boyd K. Packer’s analogy of the car. If your teenager has a prized possession, something he or she would not want you to lend to just anybody, use this object as a similar analogy to help your teenagers understand why it is your business to know who they are with, where they are going, and when they will return home.

“Scriptures in a Suitcase,”p. F6: Read with your family the story of Keryn’s dilemma at camp. Ask if any of them have ever had a similar experience when they were a little hesitant to pray or read the scriptures in front of others. What did they do? Ask for other ideas about how they could be missionaries in their everyday activities.

“Strengthening My Family,”p. F10: Elder Robert D. Hales and Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin mention several things children can do to strengthen their families. Ask your children what they can do to help strengthen your family. Complete one of the activities included with this article.