undefined undefined Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Chart 2—Alma through Mormon and Moroni
Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Chart 2—Alma through Mormon and Moroni
July 2004

“Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Chart 2—Alma through Mormon and Moroni,” Liahona, July 2004, 8

Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Chart 2—

Alma through Mormon and Moroni

Book of Mormon Times at a Glance
Book of Mormon Times at a Glance

From left: Ammon before King Lamoni, by Gary L. Kapp, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. David Larsen, may not be copied; The Meeting with Lamoni’s Father, by Minerva K. Teichert, may not be copied; The Earthquake, by Minerva K. Teichert, may not be copied; Alma and Amulek in Prison, by Gary L. Kapp, may not be copied; The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Bury Their Swords, by Del Parson; Korihor Confronts Alma, by Robert T. Barrett; Captain Moroni and Zerahemnah, by Del Parson; major teachings illustrations by Jerry Thompson; All paintings by Minerva K. Teichert courtesy of Brigham Young University Museum of Art, all rights reserved

Book of Mormon Times at a Glance
Book of Mormon Times at a Glance

From left: Come Forth, by Walter Rane, from By the Hand of Mormon, may not be copied; Death of Amalickiah, by Minerva K. Teichert, may not be copied; Two Thousand Stripling Warriors, by Arnold Friberg; They Put Their Trust in God, by Walter Rane, from By the Hand of Mormon, may not be copied; Captain Moroni and the Title of Liberty, by Clark Kelley Price; Moronihah Defeats Coriantumr, by Gary L. Kapp; The Ship of Hagoth, by Minerva K. Teichert, may not be copied; Gadianton’s Band, by Minerva K. Teichert, may not be copied

Book of Mormon Times at a Glance
Book of Mormon Times at a Glance

From left: Nephi and Lehi in Prison, by Gary L. Kapp, may not be copied; Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies, by Arnold Friberg; illustration by Jerry Thompson; Christ Appearing in the Western Hemisphere, by Arnold Friberg; Jesus Christ Visits the Americas, by John Scott; That Ye Do Always Remember Me, by Gary L. Kapp, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. David Larsen, may not be copied; Bring Forth the Record, by Robert T. Barrett; Three Nephites, by Gary L. Kapp; And He Healed Them All, Every One, by Gary L. Kapp, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. David Larsen, may not be copied; Mormon Bids Farewell to a Once Great Nation, by Arnold Friberg; Mormon Abridging the Plates, by Tom Lovell; Moroni Burying the Plates, by Tom Lovell; Moroni: The Last Nephite, by Minerva K. Teichert, may not be copied; Angel Moroni Appears to Joseph Smith, by Tom Lovell

Book/ Chapters

Author/ Engraver

Reign of the Judges

Date (Some dates are approximate.)

Major Teachings about Jesus Christ

Books of the Bible

Mosiah 28–29


B.C. 92


• King Mosiah gave his sons and others permission to preach the gospel among the Lamanites. They left on a mission lasting approximately 14 years (see Mosiah 28:1–9).

• The people began to measure their years according to the reign of the judges. Alma and King Mosiah died (see Mosiah 29:44–47; Alma 1:1).

Alma 1–44




• The sons of Mosiah separated in the land of the Lamanites. Ammon went to the land of Ishmael, and Aaron went to the city of Jerusalem (see Alma 17:6–19; Alma 21:1–2).




• Nehor, a false priest who endorsed priestcraft, was executed for his crimes. The Church prospered despite internal contention and persecution from unbelievers (see Alma 1).


• Ammon became a servant to King Lamoni. The king was miraculously converted, many of his people were baptized, and the Church was established (see Alma 17:20–19:36; Alma 21:18–23).

• Aaron and his brethren preached without success and were cast into prison (see Alma 21:1–14).

• Ammon and King Lamoni met Lamoni’s father, king over all the Lamanites. Aaron and his brethren were rescued from prison (see Alma 20; Alma 21:14–17).

• Aaron taught the gospel to Lamoni’s father, who was miraculously converted and proclaimed religious liberty (see Alma 22–23:3).

• Some Lamanites went to battle against the Anti-Nephi-Lehies (see Alma 24:20).


• The converted Lamanites called themselves Anti-Nephi-Lehies and became friendly with the Nephites (see Alma 23).

• The Anti-Nephi-Lehies buried their swords, covenanting never again to destroy human life (see Alma 24:1–19).

• One thousand and five Anti-Nephi-Lehies were killed without resisting. Impressed by this valiancy, more Lamanites were converted, and the war ended (see Alma 24:21–30; Alma 25:1).




• Amlici’s petition to be king was rejected by the voice of the people. A civil war erupted, and Amlici and his supporters were defeated (see Alma 2:1–19).

• Strengthened by the Lord, the Nephites defeated the Lamanites in two great battles (see Alma 2:27–3:27).


• The Lamanites, joined by the Amlicites, went to war against the Nephites (see Alma 2:20–26).




• The Nephites prospered and began to be proud. Alma the Younger resigned as chief judge to preach the word of God (see Alma 4:6–20).

Alma the Younger asked the people if they had been spiritually born of God (see Alma 5).




• Alma the Younger was rejected in the city of Ammonihah, but an angel commanded him to return. Amulek gave him shelter (see Alma 8).

• Alma the Younger and Amulek were imprisoned and miraculously delivered (see Alma 14).


• The Lamanites went to war against the Nephites and destroyed the city of Ammonihah (see Alma 16:1–3; Alma 25:2).

Alma the Younger prophesied of Christ and His Atonement (see Alma 7).

Alma the Younger taught of entering the rest of the Lord (see Alma 12–13).




• Alma and Amulek continued to preach repentance. Peace and righteousness were established (see Alma 16:12–21).

• Zoram, a Nephite captain, defeated the Lamanites in a horrific battle. The prophecy of Abinadi was fulfilled (see Alma 16:4–11; Alma 25:3–12).


• Lamanites continued to be converted. Ammon gloried in the Lord for the success of the mission among the Lamanites (see Alma 25:13–26:37).


• Because of threats, Ammon and the Anti-Nephi-Lehies decided to petition the Nephites for protection (see Alma 27:1–15).

• The Anti-Nephi-Lehies began to live among the Nephites and became known as the people of Ammon (see Alma 27:25–30).




• The Nephites rejoiced over the conversion of so many Lamanites—the Anti-Nephi-Lehies—and gave them the land of Jershon (see Alma 27:20–24).


• The Lamanites went to war against the Nephites. Tens of thousands on both sides died (see Alma 28).

Alma the Younger taught how to acquire faith (see Alma 32–33).

Amulek explained the need for the great and last sacrifice (see Alma 34).




• Korihor, an anti-Christ, ridiculed Christ, the Atonement, and the spirit of prophecy. He was struck dumb by God and died (see Alma 30).

• Alma the Younger led a mission to reclaim the apostate Zoramites. Many poor among them were converted (see Alma 31–34).

• The converted Zoramites joined the people of Ammon in the land of Jershon (see Alma 35:1–9).

• Nephite armies under Captain Moroni defeated the army of Zerahemnah (see Alma 43–44).


• The wicked Zoramites and Lamanites joined in a war against the Nephites (see Alma 35:10–13).

Alma the Younger told his sons of his conversion (see Alma 36–42).

Alma 45–63





• Alma the Younger was taken up by the Spirit (see Alma 45:1–19).

• Amalickiah conspired to be king. Captain Moroni raised the title of liberty, and Amalickiah fled to the Lamanites (see Alma 45:20–46:41).




• During a period of peace, Captain Moroni and Helaman prepared the people for war (see Alma 48:7–25).

• A dispute caused by Nephite dissenter Morianton led to civil war. Captain Moroni and Teancum ended the disturbance by force. Pahoran became the chief judge (see Alma 50:25–40).

• King-men caused dissension by seeking to change the law to set up a king. Captain Moroni swiftly ended the rebellion (see Alma 51:1–21).

• Teancum stopped the northward march of Amalickiah and killed him as he slept (see Alma 51:28–37).


• Amalickiah murdered the Lamanite king, placed himself on the throne, and incited the people to war (see Alma 47:1–48:6).

• A great Lamanite army attacked the Nephites but was defeated in a terrible battle at the city of Noah (see Alma 49).




• Amalickiah attacked the Nephites again and captured many cities along the eastern seashore (see Alma 51:22–27).




• The Nephites recaptured the city of Mulek (see Alma 52:4–40).


• Ammoron, Amalickiah’s brother, became king. The Lamanites retreated to the city of Mulek (see Alma 52:2–3).




• The western city of Antiparah was retaken. Miraculously none of the 2,000 young warriors was killed (see Alma 56:11–57:5).


• Ammoron attacked along the western seashore and captured many cities (see Alma 53:8–9; Alma 56:12–15).

• Ammoron sent a letter to Captain Moroni requesting an exchange of prisoners (see Alma 54).


• Helaman led a group of 2,000 young warriors to defend along the western front (see Alma 53:10–23; Alma 56:2–10).




• Captain Moroni refused to exchange prisoners. His forces retook the eastern city of Gid and freed the Nephite prisoners without bloodshed (see Alma 55).

• The western city of Cumeni surrendered to Helaman’s forces. A Lamanite army attempted to retake it but was defeated in a great battle. Again, none of Helaman’s valiant young warriors was killed (see Alma 57:6–36).




• Captain Moroni wrote an angry letter to Pahoran, demanding more support. Pahoran wrote back asking for military aid to put down an uprising by the king-men in Zarahemla (see Alma 53:8–9; Alma 60–61).

• Captain Moroni sent aid to Helaman’s army, gathered other forces, and joined Pahoran to put down the king-men’s rebellion (see Alma 62:1–12).

• Captain Moroni and Pahoran retook the eastern city of Nephihah. The Lamanites were driven out of the land (see Alma 62:14–42).

• Captain Moroni retired and Helaman returned to preaching. The people prospered and were righteous (see Alma 62:43–52).


• The Lamanites conquered the eastern city of Nephihah (see Alma 59).




• Many Nephites departed to the land northward. Hagoth sailed with many into the west sea. Helaman, son of Helaman, took possession of the sacred records (see Alma 63:1–13).


• Lamanites, stirred by dissenting Nephites, went to war against the Nephites and were defeated by Moronihah, son of Captain Moroni (see Alma 63:14–17).

Hel. 1–5





• Pahoran, son of Pahoran, was elected chief judge, but he was murdered by Kishkumen. Pacumeni was elected chief judge (see Hel. 1:1–13).

• Helaman, son of Helaman, was elected chief judge (see Hel. 2:1–2).

• The people prospered and lived in peace. The Church grew and was strengthened. Nephi, son of Helaman, became the chief judge (see Hel. 3).

• Contention weakened the Church. Nephite dissenters stirred up the Lamanites to war (see Hel. 4:1–4).


• Coriantumr, a Nephite dissenter, led the Lamanites to battle against the Nephites and captured the city of Zarahemla. Moronihah surrounded and defeated him (see Hel. 1:14–34).

Gadianton Robbers

• Kishkumen tried to assassinate Helaman but failed. Gadianton’s secret band fled into the wilderness (see Hel. 2:3–14).




• Moronihah recaptured half of the lost lands. But the spiritually weak Nephites were often defeated because of wickedness (see Hel. 4:9–26).


• The Lamanites and Nephite dissenters captured many Nephite lands (see Hel. 4:5–8).

Hel. 5–16





• Nephi resigned as chief judge. With his brother Lehi, he preached repentance to the Nephites and the Lamanites (see Hel. 5:1–19).


• Nephi and Lehi were cast into a Lamanite prison, then miraculously freed. A voice commanded the people to repent, and many were converted (see Hel. 5:20–52).

• Lamanite missionaries were sent to preach to the Nephites. Both peoples enjoyed peace, prosperity, and spiritual strength (see Hel. 6:1–14).

Gadianton Robbers

• The Gadianton robbers enticed the Nephites to corruption and murder. The Lamanites refused to support the robbers (see Hel. 6:15–41).




• Because of the increasing threat of the Gadianton robbers, Nephi told the people to repent or perish. He announced the murder of the chief judge and revealed his killer (see Hel. 7–9).

• The Lord gave Nephi the sealing power. Nephi asked the Lord to send a famine. The people repented, and peace was restored for a short time (see Hel. 10:1–11:23).

• The Nephites again became prideful and wicked (see Hel. 11:36–38).

Gadianton Robbers

• A new group of Gadianton robbers caused great havoc for the Nephites and the Lamanites (see Hel. 11:24–27).




• Samuel the Lamanite prophesied of the destruction of the Nephites and the signs of Christ’s birth and death (see Hel. 13–16).


• The Lamanites were firm and steadfast in the faith (see Hel. 13:1; Hel. 15:4–10).

Samuel the Lamanite prophesied of the signs of Christ’s birth and death (see Hel. 14).

3 Ne. 1–30



A.D. 1


• Nephi, son of Nephi, took possession of the sacred records. The sign of Christ’s birth was given, and the people began to measure time from this event. Many repented and were baptized (see 3 Ne. 1:1–26; 3 Ne. 2:5–8).

• Satan led many to forget or deny the signs of Christ’s birth (see 3 Ne. 2:1–4).

• The Nephites and the converted Lamanites became one people and called themselves Nephites (see 3 Ne. 2:14–19).

• Lachoneus, the governor, and Gidgiddoni, the chief captain, led a successful campaign to destroy the robbers. The people forsook their sins and served God (see 3 Ne. 3–5).

Gadianton Robbers

• The Gadianton robbers became so numerous and powerful that they threatened the safety and rights of all people (see 3 Ne. 2:11–13).



• Corrupt leaders secretly murdered the prophets and took over the government. The people divided into tribes, thus destroying the government. Nephi boldly preached repentance, but few were converted to the Lord (see 3 Ne. 6–7).



• The signs of Christ’s death were given. Many cities and people were destroyed (see 3 Ne. 8).

• Jesus Christ appeared from heaven and taught His gospel. He gave authority and organized His Church, then ascended into heaven (see 3 Ne. 9–18).

• Jesus Christ again appeared, taught the people, and ascended. His disciples ministered and baptized in His name (see 3 Ne. 19–26).

• Jesus Christ showed Himself to His disciples and taught them concerning His Church and gospel. He promised three disciples they could remain on earth until His Second Coming. They were then translated (see 3 Ne. 27–28).

Jesus Christ taught the Nephites His gospel (see 3 Ne. 11–18).Jesus Christ expounded all things (see 3 Ne. 19–26).

Jesus Christ commanded His disciples to build the Church upon His gospel (see 3 Ne. 27).

New Testament Gospels and Epistles

4 Ne. 1



One People

• The Nephites and the Lamanites were all converted to the Church of Christ. The people had all things in common among them and lived in peace and joy, having no wickedness among them (see 4 Ne. 1:1–23).

• Great pride and wickedness spread across the land. Many false churches arose, and the Saints were persecuted (see 4 Ne. 1:24–34).


One People

• The people divided into two groups. Nephites were the true believers in Christ, and Lamanites were those who rejected the gospel (see 4 Ne. 1:35–41).

Gadianton Robbers

• A new group of Gadianton robbers gained support and spread throughout the land (see 4 Ne. 1:42–46).

Morm. 1–7; Morm. 8–9

Mormon, Moroni



• Ammaron, great-grandson of Nephi (one of the Savior’s disciples), hid the sacred records (see 4 Ne. 1:47–49).

• Ammaron instructed Mormon regarding the sacred records (see Morm. 1).

• Mormon, an army general and spiritual leader, led his people to many victories over the Lamanites (see Morm. 2:1–3:16).

• Mormon took possession of the sacred records at age 24 (see Morm. 1:2–4; Morm. 2:17).

• Mormon compiled a short version of the approximately 1,000-year history of his people (see W of M 1:3–5, 9–11; Morm. 3:17–4:23).

Mormon wrote that all little children are alive in Christ (see Moro. 8).

Moro. 1–10




• Mormon led his people in their last battles. Mormon turned over the sacred records to his son Moroni and was killed. The Nephite nation was destroyed (see Morm. 5–8:6).


• Moroni finished the record of his father, abridged the Jaredite record, and wrote the book of Moroni. He hid the records (see Morm. 8–9; Moroni).

Moroni exhorted all to come unto Christ and be perfected in Him (see Moro. 10).


• Moroni appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith and gave him the sacred records. They were translated by the gift and power of God and published to the world as the Book of Mormon (see Book of Mormon title page; JS—H 1).

Book of Mormon Times at a Glance: Some Statements of Gospel Principles




Alma 1:25–30

We can experience continual peace even when there is great persecution.


Alma 17:2–3

Searching the scriptures and giving ourselves to much fasting and prayer invite the blessings of the Holy Ghost into our lives.


Alma 17:11

Being patient in afflictions sets a good example and allows us to be instruments in the Lord’s hands.


Alma 17:25; Alma 18:17

Desiring to be of service to others is an important part of teaching them the gospel.


Alma 18:9–10

When we serve others, we should serve with distinction.


Alma 18:16, 34

We can teach with power only when filled with the Spirit of God.


Alma 18:40–41; Alma 19:6

Those who believe and then repent and cry unto Him for mercy will be filled with light.


Alma 19:36

The Lord’s arm is extended to all people who will repent and believe on His name.


Alma 3:19

The condemnation of God comes upon us only as the result of our unwise choices.


Alma 4:19; Alma 31:5

The preaching of the word of God can pull down the pride, craftiness, and contentions of people.


Alma 5:7–9

Our souls can be illuminated by the light of the everlasting word and loosed from the chains of hell.


Alma 5:11–14

By faith in the living God and in the words of the prophets, we can have a mighty change of heart, receive His image in our countenance, and be born of God.


Alma 5:21–25

We can be saved in the kingdom of God only by being cleansed from the stain of sin through the blood of Christ.


Alma 5:33–60

We are the sheep of the Good Shepherd only as we hearken to His voice.


Alma 5:61–62

As prophets often do, Alma spoke by way of command to Church members and by way of invitation to others.


Alma 7:7–13

The birth, ministry, atoning sacrifice, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ are of greatest importance.


Alma 7:14–16

When we have faith in the Savior, are baptized unto repentance, washed from our sins and born again, lay aside the sins which easily beset us, and keep the commandments of God, we shall have eternal life.


Alma 7:23

A follower of Christ is humble, submissive, gentle, easy to be entreated, patient, long-suffering, temperate, diligent, prayerful, and thankful.


Alma 9:23; Alma 24:30

Those who knowingly transgress against God are in a worse state than those who have no knowledge of Him.


Alma 11:37–46; Alma 12:19

Teaching and bearing testimony of Christ, His Atonement, and His judgment can convict and even astonish people.


Alma 12:9–11

The mysteries of God—the greater portion of His word—are given to us according to the heed and diligence we give to Him.


Alma 12:30–32

God first revealed the plan of redemption; then He gave His commandments.


Alma 13:1–13

God teaches us through those who are called after His holy priesthood so that by our faith, repentance, and righteousness, we can enter His rest.


Alma 14:11; Alma 60:13

The Lord sometimes allows the wicked to destroy the righteous; the exercise of His judgment is just.


Alma 15:3–11

The realization of guilt for our sins can cause great anguish of mind and body and can impel us to faith and repentance.


Alma 24:27

The Lord works in many ways to bring about the salvation of His people.


Alma 26:11–12

Through the Lord’s strength we may bring about much righteousness.


Alma 27:18

Exceeding joy comes to the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.


Alma 28:13–14

Sin is the cause of great inequality among humankind. Those who labor for the Lord help rectify this inequality.


Alma 29:4–5

God grants unto us according to our desires, whether they be unto good or evil.


Alma 29:6–9

We should desire to perform the specific work God has called us to do.


Alma 30:40–44

All things denote there is a God.


Alma 30:60

The devil will not support his children at the last day.


Alma 31:38

The Lord gives strength to the righteous and their afflictions are swallowed up.


Alma 32:13–16

Blessed are those who are compelled to be humble. More blessed are those who are humble because of the word of God.


Alma 32:21

Faith is not a perfect knowledge but a hope for true things which are not seen.


Alma 32:27–43

A testimony comes from exercising faith in and experimenting with—obeying—the word of God.


Alma 33

Searching the scriptures, praying, and believing in the Son are ways to develop testimony.


Alma 34:27–29

We are not only to pray for the poor but to visit them and impart of our substance.


Alma 34:32–35

This life is the time to prepare to meet God.


Alma 36:3

Those who trust in God will be supported in their trials and troubles.


Alma 36:17–19

By our repentance and the mercy of the Savior, we are freed from the pain of our sins and no longer distressed by their memory.


Alma 37:6

Small and simple things can bring about great things.


Alma 37:37

When we counsel with the Lord in all our doings, He will direct our paths.


Alma 38:12

When we bridle all our passions, we will be filled with love.


Alma 39:13

Those who have led others astray by their example are to return and admit their faults and wrongdoing.


Alma 40:6, 11–14

Upon death all enter the spirit world—the righteous to paradise and the wicked to outer darkness.


Alma 41:10

Wickedness can never result in happiness.


Alma 45–47

Defending country, family, and church, preserving rights and freedoms, and supporting others in these ideals are justifiable reasons for war.


Alma 48:14–16

We are not to give offense or to cause war but are justified in defending ourselves at the Lord’s command.


Alma 53:8–9

Enemies can gain control when there are internal dissensions and iniquity.


Alma 60:23

The inward vessel should be cleansed first, then the outer vessel.


Hel. 4:24–26

When we sin, we lose the Spirit and become weak.


Hel. 5:12

When we build upon the rock of our Redeemer, no power can drag us down to the gulf of misery and endless woe.


Hel. 15:3

The Lord chastens those He loves.


3 Ne. 7:15–22

Signs or miracles are not a sufficient basis of faith or conversion.


3 Ne. 11:29

The spirit of contention is of the devil.


3 Ne. 12:1–2

Those with humility and faith who are baptized with water and receive the cleansing power of the Holy Ghost receive a remission of sins.


3 Ne. 12:23–24

When we desire to come unto Christ, we must first be reconciled with others.


3 Ne. 13:14–15

If we forgive others, God will forgive us.


3 Ne. 13:19–21

Set your heart upon and seek those heavenly treasures that endure forever.


3 Ne. 13:33

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.


3 Ne. 14:24–27

If we follow the teachings of Christ, we will not fall when the storms of life come.


3 Ne. 18:32

We are to continue to minister to the unrepentant.


3 Ne. 26:6–10

If we believe the Book of Mormon, God will manifest even greater things to us.


3 Ne. 27:10

If the Church is called in the Lord’s name and built upon His gospel, the Father will show forth His works in it.


4 Ne. 1:15–16

When the love of God dwells in the hearts of a people, there will be no divisions or evils but they will be children of Christ and heirs to the kingdom of God.


Moro. 6:4

Church members are to be nourished by the good word of God to keep them in the right way.


Moro. 7:6–10

When we offer a gift grudgingly or without real intent, it is not counted unto us for righteousness.


Moro. 7:16–17

Whatever invites us to do good and to love God is of God. Whatever invites us to do evil is of the devil.


Moro. 7:40–48

Faith in Christ, hope, and charity are essential for salvation in the kingdom of God.


Moro. 8:8–22

Little children are redeemed through the Atonement of Christ and do not need baptism.


Moro. 10:3–5

When we read, remember the Lord’s mercy, ponder, and pray in faith about the Book of Mormon, the Holy Ghost will reveal the truth of it to us.


Moro. 10:32–33

When we come unto Christ and are perfected in Him, deny ourselves of all ungodliness, and love God, His grace is sufficient to sanctify us.