Sharing Time: A Special Day
July 2004

“Sharing Time: A Special Day,” Liahona, July 2004, F4–F5

Sharing Time:

A Special Day

“Let this house be built unto my name, that I may reveal mine ordinances therein unto my people” (D&C 124:40).

Have you ever been excited for a special day? Maybe it was your birthday or a vacation. Seven-year-old Adair was excited for a special day. Her family set a date to go to the temple one year from the time of their baptism.

Adair’s family held a special family home evening. Her dad and mom explained how important it was for everyone to prepare to go to the temple. They made a list of the things they could do: pray individually and as a family, read the scriptures, pay tithing, keep the commandments, and follow the prophet.

Adair’s mother gave her a picture of the temple and wrote Adair’s name and the date that her family would be going to the temple underneath. Every day Adair tried her best to prepare for when her family would be sealed in the temple. Adair felt good inside as she realized that each day she prepared to receive the blessings of the temple was a special day. She felt a surge of excitement as the special day came. Being sealed as a family was a blessing Heavenly Father gave them that brought them closer to Him and to each other.

Families can be together forever through making and keeping temple covenants and ordinances. The prophets have encouraged each of us to prepare to go to the temple. You can prepare to go to the temple with your family. You can also prepare to go at age 12 to do baptisms for the dead or to go when you are an adult—perhaps when you receive a mission call or before you are married.

Great blessings come from going to the temple. As you prepare now to receive the blessings of the temple, each day will be a special day!

Temple Day Picture Reminder

To make a mosaic, remove page F4 and glue it to heavy paper. Cut or tear small pieces of paper, and sort them according to color. Glue each piece of cut or torn paper on the scene. (You can also use crayons or paints.) Write your name at the bottom, and place the mosaic in your room. When will you go to the temple?

Temple Picture

Illustrated by Thomas S. Child

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. To help children learn about temple ordinances, cut a picture of a temple into puzzle pieces. Label each piece with one of the following scripture references and songs: Baptism for the dead—D&C 124:29, 31; D&C 127:6–7, “When Jesus Christ Was Baptized” (Liahona, Sept. 1997, F5); Confirmation—D&C 20:41; D&C 138:33, “I Like My Birthdays” (Liahona, Oct. 1999, F16); Endowment—D&C 95:8; D&C 105:12; D&C 110:9, “Thy Holy Temple” (Liahona, Apr. 2002, F13); Marriage and sealing—D&C 132:19, 46, “Families Can Be Together Forever” (Tambuli, Mar. 1993, F8). Have one helper leave while another hides a puzzle piece. Have the second helper look for the puzzle piece as the Primary sings the song more loudly as the helper gets closer to the puzzle piece and more softly as he or she moves away. Post the puzzle piece, look up the scriptures, and discuss the ordinance in appropriate detail. Repeat the process. Bear testimony of temple ordinances.

  2. To review songs for the children’s sacrament meeting presentation, write the names of the songs on large paper keys. Invite a child to choose a key, and ask him or her to wait outside the room. Have the Primary choose a keyword from the song. This is the word they will not sing in the song. Write the word on the blank side of the key. Invite the child to come back. Hold the keyword above the child’s head as a reminder of which word not to sing. Sing the song, and let the child guess which word is missing. Remind the children of the message of the song. Repeat for the other songs to be reviewed.
