undefined undefined Comment
August 2004

“Comment,” Liahona, August 2004, 48


“A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Muhammad”

I was baptized two years ago. As an undergraduate at a university in Nigeria where a large percentage of the students are Muslim, it was difficult for me to adapt easily to their culture and to relate with them. I am grateful for the article “A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Muhammad” in the June 2002 Liahona. It highlights that I need to live peacefully among people of different beliefs and doctrines. It gives me a better understanding that all people on earth are wonderful children of our Heavenly Father.
Imogu Anthony, Abeokuta First Branch, Abeokuta Nigeria District

God’s Work Fills the Earth

Before I fell asleep last night I read the Liahona as I usually do. The Spirit compels me to write what the magazine means to me. I was baptized 34 years ago in Sweden. Eight years ago I moved to the United States to live with my daughter. Here I receive the magazine in Swedish.

I love to read what President Gordon B. Hinckley has to say to us. When I see pictures from the new Conference Center, it helps me understand the prophecy in Genesis 22:17 that we shall be “as the sand which is upon the sea shore.” I am thankful for the reports about how God’s work fills the whole earth (see Dan. 2:34–35, 44).
Ulla Mårtensson, Susquehanna Ward, Baltimore Maryland Stake

Faith in the Philippines

While I am reading the Liahona, tears flow from my eyes—not just once, but many times. One article that really touched my heart was “Walking by Faith in the Philippines” in the December 2001 issue with the sidebar by Elder Duane B. Gerrard. I do feel that President Gordon B. Hinckley’s pleas in the Manila Philippines Temple dedicatory prayer were heard and will continue to be heard.
Eliza O. Villamor, Santo Cristo Ward, Gapan Philippines Stake

“Women of Righteousness”

The article “Women of Righteousness” by Elder M. Russell Ballard in the December 2002 issue was magnificent. I was a little discouraged, but now I am spiritually invigorated.
Elisangela Pinheiro Pechim Soares, Poços de Caldas First Ward, São João da Boa Vista Brazil Stake

Church Resources You Can Get Your Hands On

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Photograph by John Luke, posed by models