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Using the Liahona
October 2004

“Using the Liahona,” Liahona, Oct. 2004, 1

Using the Liahona

Family Home Evening Ideas

“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” inside back cover: Originally published in the January 1996 Liahona and the November 1995 Ensign, this proclamation from the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles expresses Heavenly Father’s doctrine regarding families. Review the proclamation with your family, and discuss goals you might set to bring your family more completely in harmony with the guidance outlined in this divinely inspired document.

“Establishing Eternal Patterns,” p. 20: Elder Earl C. Tingey discusses six patterns young people should establish to obtain the rich blessings the Lord would give us. Talk about these ideas with your children. Ask them how they might more fully establish these patterns in their own lives.

“Make Dating Smooth Sailing,” p. 42: If you have teenagers, you may wish to discuss the building blocks of strong and eternal relationships. Help your children understand that friendship must come first and a physical relationship should be developed only when the time and conditions are appropriate.

“Questions and Answers,” p. 30: Ask family members how they would answer this question. Then discuss the ideas given in the magazine.

“Sacred Priesthood Blessings,” p. F2: If you have a magnifying glass, use it as an object lesson. Show your family how it magnifies things. Explain that priesthood blessings work the same way—they can enlarge our talents and understanding.

“Hard Worker,” p. F6: Read together this story from the life of President Heber J. Grant. Ask your children what kinds of things they can do in your home and neighborhood to be hard workers like President Grant was. Tell about someone who is a hard worker, and talk about blessings that come from doing a job well.