undefined undefined Comment
January 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, Jan. 2005, 48


Helping Children to Be Happy

I very much like to read the Liahona, especially The Friend. I think it has good messages and helps children to be happy.
Sarah Fernandes Araújo de Souza, 10, Tambaú Ward, João Pessoa Brazil Stake

Greater Faith through Visiting Teaching

I am grateful for a living prophet who receives continuing revelation from Heavenly Father. I am also grateful for the Liahona, which brings us instructions from the prophet and the General Authorities and helps us gain gospel knowledge.

I am grateful for the Visiting Teaching Message each month. When we present the message and ask the sisters to share their thoughts with us, their testimonies increase my faith. These inspired messages can strengthen the faith of all sisters.
Wong Keung Chi Fong, Kwun Tong Ward, Hong Kong Kowloon East Stake

Mirrors in Our Lives

I very much appreciate the messages from the First Presidency, which we share as home teachers. I know each message is inspired of God. We can learn from them and use them as mirrors in our lives. We can see ourselves reflected in them and find positive things we can learn and apply.
Paúl Quezada Rivas, Calicuchima Ward, Guayaquil Ecuador Garcia Moreno Stake

The Lord’s Timing

Planning is very important. I never want to change my plans. But the article “Timing,” by Elder Dallin H. Oaks in the October 2003 Liahona, helped me to understand that next to my calendar is the Lord’s calendar, which is more important than mine. I know that in subscribing to the Liahona, I will have more chances to learn about the plan and will of the Lord.
François Ngindu Ngindu, Kananga First Branch, Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa Mission

Call for Leadership Articles

Good leadership is taught best through stories and examples. Have you tried something as a leader that has blessed the lives of those you serve? Or has your life been blessed by an inspired leader? Please share your experience with other Liahona readers. Send it to liahona@ldschurch.org or to Leadership Experiences, Liahona, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake (or branch and district).