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January 2005
Using the Liahona
Pursue the Steady Course
Gordon B. Hinckley
The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants
Ezra Taft Benson
Doctrine and Covenants Times at a Glance, Chart 1: Sections 1–64
David O. McKay: Ambassador of the Faith
Wade Murdock
Rejoice in the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Falling Out of Love … and Climbing Back In
Strengthening the Family: Created in the Image of God, Male and Female
Valiant in Venezuela
Marvin K. Gardner
Latter-day Saint Voices
I Worried about Their Future
Adalberto S. Sánchez
A Small Thing
Shannon Vanderspool Watson
Home Teaching with Brother Skinner
Kevin Probasco
The Deacons Quorum
Becoming a Deacon
Laury Livsey
2005 Mutual Theme: “A Great and a Marvelous Work” (1 Nephi 14:7)
Me? Give a Blessing?
Brad Larsen
News of the Church
President Hinckley Breaks Ground for Sacramento California Temple
Church Continues to Grow in More than 160 Countries
Members Survive Deadly Storms
Missionaries’ Olympic Efforts Are Golden in Greece
Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s History Ranges from Sagebrush to Royal Halls
Additional Sharing Time Ideas, January 2005
The Friend
Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice: Born Again through Baptism
James E. Faust
From the Life of President David O. McKay
The Faith of His Parents
Sharing Time: The Plan of Happiness
Margaret Lifferth
The Light
Bo Pedersen
Our Beautiful World: Part of the Plan
Jairo Eli Xocop of Comalapa, Guatemala
Dalila Xocop and Virna Rodríguez
Sharing Time Poster: I Will Follow God’s Plan for Me
“The Friend,” Liahona, Jan. 2005
Cover: Illustrated by Steve Kropp.