undefined undefined Comment
July 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, July 2005, 48


Preparing to Serve

I am grateful for the Liahona. Besides strengthening us spiritually and assisting in our family home evenings, it has also been a compass in my responsibilities as bishop.

We have been concerned about how to help the young people in our ward who are preparing to serve missions. To our joy and delight, the March 2004 issue contained two excellent articles, “Be One of the Greatest” and “About Patriarchal Blessings,” which I feel will help our future missionaries prepare to serve.

I am so thankful that we have this inspired magazine to guide us in our responsibilities.
Amarildo Martins, Parque Dorotéia Ward, Diadema Brazil Stake

Heavenly Father Loves Us

I was touched by the teachings of Susan W. Tanner, the Young Women general president, in the October 2003 Liahona. Knowing that our Heavenly Father loves us in times of happiness and in times of sadness helps us grow spiritually. I often pray that Heavenly Father will allow me to avoid difficult situations, and when that doesn’t happen, I wonder, “Does God love me? Does He listen to my prayers?” When I ask those questions, the Spirit always reassures me that Heavenly Father does love me and is mindful of my prayers of faith. His timing may be different from mine, but it is always right.
Crispin Mitago Kubala, Binza Ward, Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo Ngaliema Stake

Fret Not

I was worried about my future. Then I read “Improving Our Prayers” by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the August 2004 issue. I realized that, as Elder Wirthlin says, I must “fret not”—meaning I must stop worrying about things I cannot control—so I will not create unhappiness in my life.
Belle C. Dacudag, Bata Ward, Bacolod Philippines North Stake

Liahona Strengthens Testimonies

We are eternally grateful for the Liahona. Every month it gives us the opportunity to strengthen our gospel ties. It adds to our testimonies of the Church, the Book of Mormon, and Jesus Christ. Its articles, news, pictures, talks, and even the games for our children refresh the testimonies we gained years ago.
Cazorla Family, Málaga Third Ward, Granada Spain Stake