September 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2005, 48


Spiritual Tool

We want to thank the Liahona magazine. The children’s section has really made it easier for us to teach the gospel to our young children. It is encouraging to know that they are getting messages from our leaders even at their tender ages. They like this section, and they give lessons using the drawings and photographs. They wait anxiously for the magazine to come each month. We consider the Liahona a great spiritual tool, and our family home evenings have been better since we started using it.
Poncio Calderón family, El Frutal Ward, Villa Nueva Guatemala Stake

President Hinckley Is a Prophet

I am grateful for the Liahona magazine. I was especially impressed with the article “At Home with the Hinckleys” in the October 2003 issue. I could see such love and tenderness in President Hinckley’s face, and I know he is a prophet of God. Thank you for such inspiring messages. They help us live righteously in this wicked world.
Aracely B. Gómez Aguirre, Vizcaya Ward, San José Costa Rica La Sabana Stake

Happy to Be Missionaries

I am writing to thank you for the wonderful things you publish in the Liahona. The messages from our leaders are very comforting, and I have learned many principles that I use in my daily life.

My wife and I share the magazine with many people who are not members of the Church, and we give subscriptions to our neighbors who are of other faiths. It makes us happy to be missionaries in this way. I know that Jesus Christ leads this Church, and I love working to help it grow.
Andrés Ernesto Gioiosa, Santa Rosa Third Ward, Santa Rosa Argentina Stake

Touched My Heart

I am grateful for the Liahona I receive each month. It strengthens my testimony and helps my family’s spiritual growth. An article that touched my heart in particular was the First Presidency Message “Fathers, Mothers, Marriage,” by President James E. Faust in the August 2004 issue. I know that Heavenly Father loves us and is concerned about families.
Valcilandia Muniz dos Santos, Califórnia Ward, Itabuna Brazil Stake

A Favorite Gift

After the standard works, the thing I most like to read is the Liahona. It is a blessing to be able to take time to search the messages and understand the Lord’s will. I feel the Spirit when I read, and my testimony of revelation through our prophet is strengthened. The teachings I find here provide guidance for my life, and they have helped me in my daily challenges. It is the one magazine where I can be sure of finding only good things, and it is one of my favorite gifts to give friends and investigators.
Luis Eduardo Acosta H., El Vallado Ward, Cali Colombia Jardín Stake

Answers to My Questions

I find answers to my questions in every issue of the Liahona. When I read the magazine I feel peace, love, and warmth, and I am grateful for the great blessings Heavenly Father promises each of us.

I am so grateful that there will be a temple here in Panama. I have set a goal to do work for the dead and to be sealed to my family for eternity. The magazine helps me progress and remain faithful in the gospel so I can meet this goal.
Diana Isabel Díaz Gómez, Bella Vista Ward, Panama City Panama Stake
