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October 2005

“Comment,” Liahona, Oct. 2005, 48


Grateful for Prophet’s Counsel

I want to express my gratitude for the Liahona. It fills me with joy to read the testimonies of other Latter-day Saints around the world. I appreciated President Gordon B. Hinckley’s admonition in the September 2004 First Presidency Message to raise our voices in opposition to evil. The articles about strengthening our families inspire me each day. I am grateful for the prophet and for the magazine, which unites the Saints all over the world.
Carolina Tello Vargas, Ventilador Ward, Neiva Colombia Stake

Spirit of the Temple

I have always loved the feeling that the temple brings to my life. When I was called to serve a mission in an area where I would not be able to attend the temple, I was afraid that I would be without that feeling for two years. Then I found that Heavenly Father has sent us a gift that can bring a similar feeling no matter where we are. I am very grateful for the Liahona. When I read the messages in the magazine, I feel the same spirit I felt in the temple.
Elder Allan Herbert Silva, Brazil Goiânia Mission

Like an Iron Rod

I want to express my sincere appreciation to my Heavenly Father for the Liahona magazine. In the five years I have been a member it has been like an iron rod, keeping me on the strait and narrow path. It has strengthened my testimony that the Lord guides His Church and its members through the prophets.
Javier Enrique Bohórquez Zambrano, Calderón Ward, Guayaquil Ecuador South Stake

Liahona Makes Me Happy

I really like the Liahona. The children’s section makes me happy, and it has interesting articles that help me. I carefully choose friends who help me do what is right, and I try to say only good words and to have a good attitude.
Lehonti Melquisedec Ramos Ochoa, age 9, Auditorio Ward, Guadalajara Mexico Independencia Stake

Source of Strength

Words cannot really express how thankful I am for the Liahona. It is my source of strength in this world full of challenges. When I read the messages of the prophets, I feel God’s love for me. What more could I ask for?
Mary Ann D. Ranches, Alaminos First Branch, Alaminos Philippines District

Let Your Talent Shine!

If you are a professional artist or photographer interested in being considered for freelance assignments for the Church magazines, we invite you to contact us. Freelance assignments would require the ability to create art-directed editorial and documentary work within specific deadlines.

Please send up to 10 digital samples of your work (PDF or JPEG files up to 1.5 megabytes per e-mail), contact information, and a short history of your experience to cur-artist-photographer@ldschurch.org. Or mail your information and copies of your work to Artists and Photographers, Liahona, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA.