undefined undefined Additional Sharing Time Ideas, October 2005
Additional Sharing Time Ideas, October 2005
October 2005

“Additional Sharing Time Ideas, October 2005,” Liahona, Oct. 2005, N8

Additional Sharing Time Ideas, October 2005

The following are additional ideas Primary leaders may use with the Sharing Time printed in the October 2005 Liahona. For the lesson, instructions, and activity that correspond with these ideas, see “I Will Always Choose the Right” on pages F4 and F5 of the children’s section in this issue.

1. From the Primary 1 picture packet, enlarge and copy picture 1-38 (Children Playing Ball). Cut it into eight to ten puzzle pieces. Write questions that review the principle of modesty and the principles taught in the Word of Wisdom, such as “What are two things that are good for us as revealed in the Word of Wisdom?” “What are three things we can do to be well groomed?” Attach one question to the back of each puzzle piece. Read the questions one at a time, and invite the child who answers the question correctly to help put the puzzle together. Point out the health and dress of the children in the puzzle’s picture. Read the promise made to those who obey the Word of Wisdom (see D&C 89:18–21), and bear testimony of the importance of obedience to these principles. Sing an appropriate song or hymn.

2. Help the children read and discuss Ex. 20:8–11. What does Heavenly Father teach us about the Sabbath day? When was the Sabbath day blessed and hallowed? What does that mean? Ask the children to help you think of ways to keep the Sabbath day holy. With the help of the music leader, pick songs or hymns that suggest activities appropriate for the Sabbath day. As you sing each song, ask the children to listen for things they could do on the Sabbath day. Help them develop their ideas into activities such as filling out a family group sheet, asking Mom or Dad to tell a story about his or her childhood, going to church with the family and singing all the songs, thinking about Jesus during the sacrament, going on a walk to increase gratitude for nature, writing a letter, calling or visiting grandparents, or telling a scripture story with puppets or flannel board figures. Give each child a piece of paper to fold into 16 squares. Invite the children to write or draw Sabbath activities suggested by the group in three or four of the squares. Distribute crayons, markers, and paper, and invite each child to decorate a small container or envelope for their “Sabbath Day Activities.” Cut the paper into 16 squares, and put them into the container. Suggest that the children take the container home and fill in the rest of the squares with the help of their families. Each week they can honor the Sabbath day by drawing a square out of the container and doing that activity with their family.

3. Two of My Gospel Standards counsel about doing things that are “pleasing to Heavenly Father.” How do we know what is “pleasing to Heavenly Father”? Write on wordstrips the following four words and phrases from A of F 1:13: VIRTUOUS, LOVELY, GOOD REPORT, PRAISEWORTHY. Cut each word into letters, and put each word in an envelope. (Or cut each word into puzzle pieces.) Divide the children and teachers into four groups. Invite the groups to unscramble the word(s) (or put the puzzle pieces together) and glue the completed word on the envelope. Tell the children that the following activities will help them learn the meaning of the words and what is “pleasing to Heavenly Father.” Divide the room into four stations, post one of the words at each station, and rotate the four groups through each of the following activities: (1) Read a story from the Friend. Ask the children to share titles of their favorite books or stories. (2) Play a game or do an activity from the Friend. (3) Sing appropriate Primary songs. You may want to add simple rhythm instruments or actions. (4) Play a short video segment appropriate for children from the meetinghouse library, such as Sharing Time with President Hinckley (item no. 53331). Gather the children, and discuss the activities and how they felt while participating in them. Emphasize that we want to be able to feel the Spirit when we are reading, singing, or watching anything. Repeat the thirteenth article of faith.