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January 2006

“Comment,” Liahona, Jan. 2006, 48


A New Beginning

When my father passed away suddenly, I had a very difficult time dealing with my grief. I had been a member of the Church for 16 years and thought I was prepared for this experience, but I struggled greatly.

One evening about a month after my father’s death, I picked up the September 2004 Liahona and began to read. The article in Latter-day Saint Voices entitled “Death Is a New Beginning,” by Claudia Yolanda Ortíz Herrera, caught my attention immediately. The author’s experience was very much like my own, and after reading the article three times, I began to have a better understanding about many things and I felt greater peace. My testimony that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live was strengthened, and I realized that, indeed, death is just a beginning. I am so grateful for the Liahona and for that wonderful article.
Zullymar Rodríguez Castro, Costa Hermosa Ward, Barranquilla Colombia Hipodromo Stake

Many Seek for Truth

Thank you for allowing us to share in the great blessing of the gospel. The Liahona edifies and strengthens us and makes it possible for us to overcome the challenges of the modern world. There is much evil in the world now, but people still seek for the truth. As in the days of the Prophet Joseph, people are confused and want to hear true doctrine. Thank you for the wonderful gift you give us from month to month.
Félix Omar Sarmiento Parada, Capacho Branch, San Cristóbal Venezuela Stake

Answers in Difficult Times

The Liahona is very special to us because it has shown us answers during many difficult times. It has been a veritable compass for us, as it was for Lehi’s family. Thanks to all who work to bring this magazine to our home.
Francisco de Assis Sousa dos Reis and Martha Rejane Santana de Souza Reis, Veneza Branch, Fortaleza Brazil South Stake

Liahona Helps Build Faith

My first contact with the Liahona was when a friend—who later became my husband—brought me a copy when he returned to the United States from serving a mission in Argentina and Chile. Later when I served a mission in Chile, I loved the magazine and was grateful that the members had it to help them build their faith. Now as a senior missionary in Tonga, I use it in the classes I teach at church. Thank you for the Liahona!
Sister Mary Lou Ellsworth, Tonga Nuku‘alofa Mission

Call for Leadership Articles

Good leadership is taught best through stories and examples. Have you tried something as a leader that has blessed the lives of those you serve? Or has your life been blessed by an inspired leader? Please share your experience with other Liahona readers. Send it to liahona@ldschurch.org or to Leadership Experiences, Liahona, 50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Please include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and ward and stake (or branch and district).

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