“Sharing Time Poster: I Will Trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ—Their Promises Are Sure,” Liahona, Jan. 2006, insert
Sharing Time Poster:
I Will Trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ—Their Promises Are Sure
“For I will fulfil my promises which I have made unto the children of men” (2 Ne. 10:17).
Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, have made many promises to us. When we are obedient, we can receive the blessings of those promises. We find out what Their promises are by reading the scriptures, listening to the prophet, praying, and following the Savior’s example.
Reading the monthly scripture clues and themes on this year’s poster can help you discover more about Heavenly Father and the Savior’s promises.
1. Turn the page, open the staples, remove the poster, and reclose the staples.
2. Cut out the scripture references/pictures, being careful not to cut off the tabs. Then cut small slits along the small black dotted lines on the poster. Match each month’s scripture reference/picture with its slit, and slide the tab into the slit, scripture facing out. Fold the tabs to hold the scripture references/pictures in place.
3. Each month, find and read that month’s clue in the scriptures to discover a promise Heavenly Father and the Savior have given us. After reading the theme and the scripture, pull the cutout from its slit. Then turn the cutout over, and replace it on the poster with the picture showing. Throughout the year, these pictures can help remind you of Heavenly Father and the Savior’s many promises to us.
Additional copies of the poster (item no. 26959) are available from Church distribution centers.
© 2006 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
I Will Trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ—Their Promises Are Sure

Illustrated by Bradley Clark
The promises of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to us are recorded in the scriptures.
Clue 1: read Alma 37:17
Heavenly Father’s plan promises eternal happiness.
Clue 2: read 1 Jn. 2:25
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ make promises to me through the prophets.
Clue 3: read Amos 3:7
Heavenly Father loves me, so He sent His Son, the Promised Messiah.
Clue 4: read Moro. 7:41
Heavenly Father gave me the gospel of Jesus Christ, promised before the world was.
Clue 5: read 3 Ne. 27:21
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ promise me blessings when I obey the commandments.
Clue 6: read Mosiah 2:22
Heavenly Father promises to hear my prayers and answer them.
Clue 7: read D&C 112:10
As I follow the direction and righteous examples given in the scriptures, the Lord promises me rich blessings.
Clue 8: read Mosiah 1:7
The promises taught in the scriptures give me comfort and courage.
Clue 9: read Ps. 27:1
Latter-day prophets teach me the way to obtain God’s promises.
Clue 10: read D&C 1:38
I am thankful for the promises of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ—Their promises are sure.
Clue 11: read Ps. 100:4
Heavenly Father fulfilled His promise to send a Savior.
Clue 12: read Luke 2:10–11