undefined undefined Family Home Evening Ideas
Family Home Evening Ideas
April 2006

“Family Home Evening Ideas,” Liahona, Apr. 2006, inside front cover–1

Family Home Evening Ideas

These ideas can help you use the Liahona to enhance your teaching in the classroom as well as in the home.

“From the Garden to the Empty Tomb,” p. 8: Use this article to create an Easter program. Assign family members to read the quotes in order. Choose songs or hymns about the Savior, about Easter, or about the sacrament to intersperse during the reading of the quotes. At the conclusion of the program, bear your testimony.

“Because We Have Them before Our Eyes,” p. 16: Choose a chapter in the Book of Mormon that you feel will be meaningful to your family. Explain the five principles of scripture study that Elder David A. Bednar teaches, and incorporate these as you study the selected chapter. Consider beginning a family scripture journal in which you record insights that are significant to your family.

“The Perfect Comeback,” p. 44: Write down some common circumstances in which people might be offended. Have family members role-play these situations, and use this article to talk about ways we can be more sensitive to the feelings of others and how we can forgive rather than take offense.

“No Ordinary Home Teacher,” p. F10: Read the article and discuss with your family what Brother Erickson did well as a home teacher. What are the qualities of a caring home teacher? Discuss how to develop these Christlike qualities. Bear testimony of the importance of helping meet people’s needs.

“Why I Believe in Jesus Christ,” p. F14: Write the bold words from the article on pieces of paper. Place them in a container. After reading the article, let each family member take a paper and discuss how those things helped Lindsey gain her testimony. Have family members share what helps their testimonies grow by asking them to write down their feelings, draw a picture, or sing a song.