Sharing Time: Additional Sharing Time Ideas, April 2006
April 2006

“Sharing Time: Additional Sharing Time Ideas, April 2006,” Liahona, Apr. 2006, N8

Sharing Time: Additional Sharing Time Ideas, April 2006

The following are additional ideas Primary leaders may use with the Sharing Time printed in the April 2006 Liahona. For the lesson, instructions, and activity that correspond with these ideas, see “I Can Repent and Be Happy” on pages F4 and F5 of the children’s section in this issue.

  1. Using questions and Gospel Art Picture Kit pictures, have the children review the life of the Savior. For example, review the birth of the Savior by holding up Gospel Art Picture Kit 200 (The Birth of Jesus). Ask the children who is in the picture, what they know about this story, and what the people in the picture make them think of. Use similar questions with the following pictures: 209 (Calling of the Fisherman), 230 (The Crucifixion), and 239 (The Resurrected Jesus Christ). Give each child a piece of paper and a pencil. Divide the children into four groups. Assign each group to illustrate one of the events you have talked about. Have the pianist play quietly in the background as the children draw. Invite each group to show their pictures and describe them. Express gratitude for the Savior and for the blessing of having Him come to earth.

  2. Using a glove, teach the children about resurrection. Show your hand without the glove and tell the children that before we came to earth we were spirits. We could move, think, choose, and learn. When we came to earth we each received a body (put hand in glove). We can still move, think, choose, and learn, but now we have wonderful bodies to take care of. When we die, the body and the spirit separate (take off the glove). The body can no longer move, but our spirit still lives. When we are resurrected, our body and our spirit are together again (put on glove), and the body and the spirit will never be separated again. Jesus was the first one to be resurrected. Because He was resurrected, all people who have ever lived will be resurrected. There are many witnesses who saw Jesus after He was resurrected. Sing a story about some of those witnesses (see Teaching, No Greater Call [1999], 174–75). Use Gospel Art Picture Kit pictures, and ask the children to read or tell in their own words the summary on the back of each picture. Choose a song or hymn to sing after each picture. Some suggested pictures are 233 (Mary and the Resurrected Lord), 315 (Christ Appears to the Nephites), 403 (The First Vision). Have the children read D&C 76:22–23. Testify, as these many witnesses have, that Jesus Christ lives.

© 1985 Robert Barrett, do not copy
