“Sharing Time: I Can Repent and Be Happy,” Liahona, Apr. 2006, F4–F5
Sharing Time:
I Can Repent and Be Happy
“Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ … to be raised unto life eternal, and this because of your faith in him according to the promise” (Moro. 7:41).
There was a girl who got a splinter in her finger. Her dad took his pocketknife, cleaned it, and gently scraped it across her finger to catch the end of the splinter and pull it out. Even though her dad was gentle, it hurt to have the splinter removed! The next time the girl got a splinter, she didn’t tell anyone. After a few days, her finger became infected. It hurt so much that she wanted the splinter removed no matter what. Her dad gently removed it. After the splinter was gone, her finger began to heal.
When we do something wrong, it always hurts us and it often hurts others. We may think the hurt will go away if we ignore it. But left alone, the wrong will continue to hurt us and make us sad.
Heavenly Father loves us. He wants us to be happy. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make it possible for us to repent. Through His Atonement, Jesus paid the price for our sins so that we can repent and be forgiven.
Repentance is a way of removing and healing from a sin that hurts us spiritually. The first thing we need to do is to realize that we have done something wrong and to feel sorry that we did it. This feeling comes from the Holy Ghost. We must ask Heavenly Father and any people we have wronged to forgive us. We need to do the best we can to correct any problems caused because of our wrong choices. We must also decide not to do the wrong thing again. After we have done all that we can to repent, because of Christ’s Atonement, Heavenly Father will forgive us. Repentance makes us happier now and makes it possible for us to live with Heavenly Father and Jesus forever.
You can play this game by yourself or with your family. Cut out the shape on page F4 on the heavy black lines. Fold it on the dotted lines to make a pyramid. Glue or tape the tabs so they are on the inside of the pyramid. Choose a case study from the list, toss the pyramid, and tell how to apply the part of repentance that is facing you to the situation described by the case study.
![The Repent Pyramind](https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/magazine/li2006lp.nfo:o:af.jpg)
Illustrated by Thomas S. Child; photograph by Christina Smith, posed by model
Feel sorry
Ask for forgiveness
Right the wrong
Don’t repeat the wrong
Case Studies
Josh says something unkind about someone. What should Josh do?
Jenny does not share her toys. What should Jenny do?
Some boys do not include someone in their game. What should they do?
Lisa takes something that does not belong to her. What should Lisa do?
Sharing Time Ideas
Before we came to earth, we lived with Heavenly Father. Show Primary picture 3–3 (The Pre-Earth Life). This is one artist’s idea of what heaven is like. Explain that Heavenly Father presented a plan for all of us to get a physical body and to learn to choose the right. Read Moses 4:1–4, and have the children tell the story in their own words. Ask, “Who is the ‘Beloved Son’ Heavenly Father spoke of?” Show Gospel Art Picture Kit 240 (Jesus the Christ). On the chalkboard list the following: “An earth would be created where we could live and show we would obey Heavenly Father’s commandments”; “We shouted for joy when we heard Heavenly Father’s plan”; “Jesus was prepared to redeem us”; “There was a war in heaven.” Write another list of the following scriptures in random order: Abr. 3:24–25; Job 38:7; Ether 3:14; Rev. 12:7–9. Have the children read the scriptures and match each scripture to a statement.
Read and discuss 2 Ne. 2:27. Point out that the most important choices we make will be between good and evil. Divide the children into three groups, and give each group one of the following pictures: Gospel Art Picture Kit 309 (Alma Baptizes in the Waters of Mormon), 310 (Ammon Defends the Flocks of King Lamoni), 311 (The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords). Each of these stories tells of people who rebelled, repented, and turned to serve the Lord. With the help of teachers and using the scriptures and stories on the back of each picture, have each group prepare and present their story in a simple role play. Ask how each person or group of people showed they had repented. Ask how we can know when we have repented.