“Until Again We Meet,” Liahona, May 2006, 102
Until Again We Meet

May we remember and constantly express in our lives the counsel we have received.
Just a word in conclusion, my brothers and sisters, bringing to a close this great conference. The music has been magnificent, the prayers have been inspired, and the talks and testimonies have touched our hearts, lifted our spirits, and confirmed our faith.
Now, as we return to our homes and our vocational labors, may we remember and constantly express in our lives the counsel we have received. May we remain fortified against the wiles of the adversary. May our labors in our many Church responsibilities be not burdensome, but rather may they bring joy and satisfaction. May we live together as husbands and wives, as parents and children, with love and kindness and respect for one another.
God bless you, my beloved brothers and sisters. I leave my love and my testimony and my blessing with you and pray that the Lord will be with us each and every one until again we meet. May heaven’s blessings rest upon you, I humbly pray in the sacred and holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.