June 2006

“Comment,” Liahona, June 2006, 48


Timing of the Lord

The Church has changed my life and the lives of my loved ones. I have felt the Spirit on many occasions. Scripture study and articles written by our prophets and leaders have helped me a great deal. One article that was helpful was “Timing” (October 2003), by Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. I trust in the Lord completely and know there is a time for everything. I would like to thank Elder Oaks for this article that has helped me so much and strengthened my testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Victor Santana Arias, Dominican Republic

Gems of Visual Art

My husband and I would like to thank you for the wide variety of beautiful photographs we have become accustomed to seeing in the Liahona and especially compliment you on the wonderful black-and-white images in the general conference issues. Many thanks to the skillful photographers who make these true gems of visual art possible.

How grateful we are to have eyes to see them and to read the contents of this magnificent magazine in our own language month after month. Thank you!
Carmen T. De Ruscitti, Venezuela

Desire to Preach the Gospel Floods My Soul

As I prepare for a full-time mission, I am studying inspirational materials, including the Liahona. I would like to express my gratitude for the February 2005 issue and especially for Elder and Sister Christensen’s beautiful article, “Seven Lessons on Sharing the Gospel.” It inspired me and increased my desire to preach the gospel. As I thought about the article, I better understood how important this work is. The desire to preach the gospel is flooding my soul.
Iranilson Leite Machado, Brazil

A Charge of Righteousness

I would like to thank you for this wonderful magazine! We have very few Church materials in Russian, so every issue of the Liahona gives us a new charge of righteousness for a long time. Thanks also for the column Questions and Answers. These are the very questions that worry our youth.
Sergei Antamanov, Russia

Call for New Testament Art Submissions

In 2007 we will be publishing material pertaining to the New Testament Sunday School curriculum. Professional fine artists may submit for consideration artwork of New Testament scenes. Please e-mail samples of your work to cur-artist-photographer@ldschurch.org, or mail color copies to New Testament Art, Liahona Magazine, 50 E. North Temple St., Room 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Please send only copies; copies will not be returned. Submissions should be mailed prior to October 31, 2006.

The Lord’s Harvest, by Marilee Campbell, may not be copied
