“Comment,” Liahona, Sept. 2006, 48
A Motto for Life
I would like to express my gratitude for the publication of “Becoming Men in Whom the Spirit of God Is,” by Elder L. Tom Perry in the July 2002 Liahona. At that time I had recently returned from serving a mission in Uruguay, and I needed spiritual help. This article was the answer to my afflictions and temptations. It touched my heart and strengthened my testimony, and it has become the motto for my life.
Because of the Liahona, my level of spirituality as a bearer of God’s priesthood has grown.
Luis Carvajal Arce, Chile
Modern Miracles
I was very moved when I read “The Clam Chowder Story,” in the December 2005 issue. It reminded me that modern miracles still happen when we do our best to solve a problem. Then, through our faith, the Lord takes care of the rest.
Irene Taniegra, Philippines
Always Something to Be Thankful For
I love the Liahona. After reading each issue I always have a desire to say thanks because there is always something to be thankful for.
I am especially grateful for the first three issues of 2005. “Doctrine and Covenants Times at a Glance,” in January; “What Happened to Christ’s Church?” in February; and “Now Let Us Rejoice,” in March were of great interest to me and to my husband as well. He is not a member of the Church, but he is very interested in history, and he enjoyed reading these articles, which parallel the history of our Church with world events. I was so happy to find something for my husband in the magazine!
Olga Khripko, Ukraine
The True Word
I am so thankful to Heavenly Father for this marvelous magazine. The missionaries gave me a copy, and I am grateful for the wise messages it contains. It truly provides us with the true word.
Célio Borba, Brazil
Messages from Heavenly Father
I’ve always loved reading the Liahona. The articles are so important—they are messages from Heavenly Father, and they help me keep going in spite of my problems. Thanks for strengthening our spirits.
Jenmy Mazariegos, Guatemala
Coming Next Month …
An edition of the Liahona especially for new members.
In the October issue, you’ll find answers to questions like these:
“In what ways does the Church help new members?” President Gordon B. Hinckley himself explains.
“How do I develop the spiritual strength I need for the road ahead?” You’ll like what Elder Jeffrey R. Holland has to say.
“How do I handle the concerns of family members who remain members of another faith?”
“Where do I go for answers to questions I don’t even have yet?”
And if you are a longtime member? You’ll find new perspectives on the basic doctrines of the gospel and articles to use in helping friends or family who are new members.
Of course, if you don’t subscribe to the Liahona, you can get a copy at your distribution center. But why not just go ahead and subscribe? You’ll find something special in every issue.
Border by Thomas S. Child